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Mario Super Mario
After defeating Bowser on many occasions, Mario decides to do it again(just cause he is like that). But this time he is up against someone he is not very used to. So some friends help him out.
Mega Man Poo
After being born Poo is your average alien. But being an alien is not always average. He "accidently" runs into Mario and agrees to help. After being found out to be Zero's Minion, he is shot and killed by X. Or so they think.
Mega Man Mega Man
Mega Man is the super robot created by Dr Thomas Light. Originally designed with his partner Roll to be a household robot who worked for Dr Light in their futuristic world, Mega Man volunteered to be converted into a war robot when the evil Dr Wily began to cause havoc in the world and threatened the existence of peace. Once Dr Light converted Mega Man, the world's strongest robot was born. Mega Man's primary role was to defend the world from Dr Wily's evil creations and to bring him to justice. By having a strong heart and an equally strong sense of justice, Mega Man has never let the world down and will fight to the very end to defend the forces of good. Now he has come to the Mario world to help the plumber defeat his own enemy.
Protoman Protoman
Protoman is Mega Man's "brother." Also created by Dr Light, Protoman is a fighting robot of similar design to Mega Man, but his high ego and confidence in himself creates friction between their relationship, and Protoman often believes that he is the better of the two, and is always looking for an opportunity to prove this. So now he has come with Megaman to prove his worth.
Bass Bass
Bass was created by the evil Dr Wily. Bass has a short temper and is not the most polite robot around, and he often will battle Mega Man to not only defeat him for Dr Wily, but to prove his own strength and superiority. Bass is a strong fighting robot, and although he isn't the friendly type, he does have a sense of justice and a heart somewhere under his metal body.Using this sense he has decided to help Mario.

Mega Man X Mega Man X
Mega Man X is the first reploid who was discovered in the far-off future by Dr Cain. He was created by Dr Light, but his purpose is unknown. Once he found X, Dr Cain has tried to reproduce X's designs, but has not been able to copy him exactly. Thus he created the Reploids, robots who could live and think for themselves and have feelings. His only mistake was to not see the danger in this and a group of the reploids became infected with a virus which caused them to go maverick. Eventually their army grew so large that X decided that he must destroy them and save mankind. Still confused about his past, X embarks on a journey to defeat the Mavericks and their leader Sigma once and for all. Mega Man X has extremely powerful capabilities and has been designed to fight for freedom and peace. Wanting to be good he has come and delivered peace with a plan.
Zero Zero
Zero is a reploid who has been assigned to the group that is trying to wipe out the mavericks, the Maverick Hunters. He is a powerful reploid and is an effective fighter against the mavericks. Zero and X became fast friends and they now fight together against evil.

Zero's past and creation is also a mystery, but it has been rumored that Zero used to be a maverick and was defeated by Sigma when he lead the Maverick Hunters. Zero was then repaired and reprogrammed to fight for good instead of evil. After some speculation and rumors, it is believed that Zero was created by Dr Wily and that Mega Man X was the original Mega Man that was enhanced by Dr Light and sealed away for thirty years. Dr Wily's purpose for Zero could have been to destroy X, but little is known at this point. Now, having gone Maverick, he decided to help Sigma and Bowser.