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Linx Page

Welcome to the Linx Page of Lone's Lair.
Some of these LinX may contain a more adult theme than others. Visit them at you rown risk, I take no responsibility for the actions of Minors visiting them. (But since odds are they're gonna visit them anyways, regardless of what I say, Have Fun.)

Martine's Site
Lotsa Angels...ANd I mean _ALOT_

Narrin (Staci's Site)
Couldn't very well not have it...since..she'd stop helpin me with my site if I didn't.
(Note from Webpage-Doer-Person: Smart, Lone.Very smart. ^_^)

Mia's Main Index
A site I found in one of my frequent wanderings, a great site for anthro (furry) stories.

The Belfry: Furry Comics Online
Great Furry Comic site, Another Product of my wanderings. If you're wondering, the comics I usually keep up with are: Life at the O, Faux Pas,-And if you're into more 'mature' stuff- Dust Bunnies, Latex Blue, and Kit n Kay boodle (no idea why, but I think there are subliminal messages in that comic!)

VG Cats
Hilarious site. I frequently visit and laugh and..well, it's cool. Just see it.

Neo Monster Island
..If you can't get enough poop jokes, this site is for you. It's for a mature audience, though.

9 Chickweed Lane
Ah, I fell in love with 9 Chickweed Lane a long time ago. They suckered me in with Hallmarks of Felinity. I haven't seen the light of day since.

Blade's WC
Not the best Wc3 Website I've ever seen, but it's quickly making it's way into being official. I'm also thinking of applying to be their artist-- Put in a good word for me!

If Flash gets any cooler than this, I don't give a damn. 0=3 Mature Audiences Only.

Acts of Gord
The Gord is my Hero. He is my all. And Manoman I wish that when I grow up I get to own a small-time store and get to kick the crap out of delinquints like him.

Uber-Gosu and Angsty. Mature Audiences Only.

Updated Daily, always hilarious, and it has cute chicks, too. I love it. No, I don't think it's Mature only.

All Images used on this page (unless mentioned) are © 1999-2001 Lone.