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The Gallery of Stuff
A fresh new slate to lay my drawings on!
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Batgirl 6Batgirl VI - September 28th, 2004
Batgirl is another comic book character who I happen to enjoy drawing a lot. If you're looking at this and going "Hey, that's not Batgirl!", this is a new Batgirl, introduced a few years ago in Batman comics. This one, named Cassandra, was raised in isolation by a master assassin named David Cain. He trained her to read body language, which allows her to predict her opponent's moves in a fight, making her one of the deadliest fighters in the world. Riddled with guilt after her first and only kill, she wondered for several years before getting a job as Barbara Gordon's messenger, after Gotham City had been destroyed by an incredible cataclysm. One thing led to another, and soon she was pegged as the new Batgirl. A title she more than deserves, I can assure you.

Doc Ock ClassicDoctor Octopus (Doc Ock) - October 7th, 2004
Here he is! Doc Ock in all his fatness! The original design! Classic spidey rogue, yeah! I like the way he turned out, actually. I mean, look at him! He's just so... FAT! And ugly, too! But that's classic Ock, eh?

Doc Ock UltimateDoc Ock Ultimatized! - October 12th, 2004
Part of a campaign to reintroduce their characters to new readers, Marvel comics started the Ultimate line. Under the Ultimate heading, Marvel heroes and villains were revamped without paying any attention to the 30-40 plus years of continuity. This is the Ultimate version of Doctor Octopus, and if you compare it to the classic Ock posted above, some differences will become apparent almost immediately. One cool thing about this new version is that the ends of the tentacles can change shape, kinda like Terminator 2's T-1000, into a variety of different weapons and tools. I've seen them do the classic claws, studded battering rams, shielding plates, flame-throwers, and electro-shock thingies. Also, the doc talks to his tentacles, and they seem to talk back to him, so he's even creepier.

HellboyHellboy in "The Noogie of Doom!" - October 21st, 2004
Now, there's an interesting story attached to this pic. A few years ago, I met Mike Mignola at a signing in Manhattan. Thing is, I wasn't a Hellboy reader at the time, and it was really just a coincidence that I was there at all. I was just at the shop for my weekly fix, so to speak. Well, I knew he was popular, so I had him sign a bookmark, since I couldn't really afford a book. I fear that may have offended him. I became a huge Hellboy fan in the months just before the movie came out, and Mike Mignola made another appearance in Manhattan a week ago, so I made this drawing as a way to pay my respects. I wanted him to sign it. Unfortunately, I showed up a good six or seven hours before he did, and I eventually decided that I didn't want to wait for him. I know, I know. I would've liked to meet him, but I'm real practical that way.

Raziel MelchiahRaziel and Melchiah - September 9th, 2004
These are two characters from the Legacy of Kain video game series. For those who don't know, the blue guy with the glowing eyes is Raziel, one of the game's vampiric heroes, and the big fleshy monster is his estranged brother Melchiah, who gets under the business end of a big grinder in the end. I have a whole page full of Raziel in the Legacy of Kain Fanart site I have here. Check them out.

Spawn 5Spawn V - September 9th, 2004
My fifth Spawn drawing for this site, this one depicts Todd McFarlane's Spawn in his original red and blue togs. Needless to say, I really like Spawn.

Spawn 6Spawn VI - September 8th, 2004
In truth, this is the fifth Spawn drawing I've done for my site, but it wasn't ready when it came time to put it up, and besides which, it made more sense to me to put up the classic Spawn costume up first. In the comics, Spawn always has two lengths of living chains attached to his "buckle" skull, but I didn't draw them in, mainly because they're a pain to illustrate.

Spike 1Spike Spiegel I - September 11th, 2004
One of the main characters from the animated TV show Cowboy Bebop, and one of my all-time favorite anime characters. He's a former hitman turned bounty hunter (bounty hunters are referred to as 'cowboys' on the show, and his home is the spaceship Bebop, hence the name). He's a master martial artist, a devout follower of Bruce Lee, and an all around laid back kinda guy, or at least he seems laid back. I haven't seen the whole show yet, but I know he's got serious issues and a shady past. And, as a wise man once said, it was all over a woman.

Spike 1 reduxSpike Spiegel II (with the Swordfish) - September 21st, 2004
Okay, I got lazy. It's the same pic as before, but with Spike's custom fighter pasted on as a background. Seriously, I would've drawn it, but I'm not so good at drawing technology, at least not yet. But, to my credit, I did alter the color scheme of the background from it's original version, so it appears to be much sharper. I'm responsible for that at least.