Da Great and Mighty UPDATE page!!

After much poking by Irken Pop Tart on the behalf of all you peoples out there, I have deemed it apropriate to put an update page so you won't have to scramble to find out what's new. Yep. That's the gist of things.

Still looking for fics, so if you have any please send them my way. Know any favorites on fanfic.net/yahoo groups and the like? Send me the URL so I can take a look.

UPDATE: 2018. Wow. This website has deliberately been left up as a kind of 'time warp' from a long ago era. If you've stumbled across this via google (which didn't even exist when this was first built) hi. I was really young when I made this but I'm keeping it up despite its uh...dubious value. This fandom is where I made my first friends, my first enemies, met my first internet person in real life (which was a complete disaster, if you were wondering how that went) and found a few of my first fans. Of course, I have AO3 hosting my fanfics now and I ..don't talk like this anymore. What can I say, we all had that random phase in the 00's and yes, I know it's insufferable. But I like that I was trying to be cheerful despite that my life was literally the absolute pits. Kudos to my past self for keeping her head up despite the awful crap going on. Anyway, please take everything here with a grain of salt and enjoy what I've kept. Initially, I had every single fanfic author and fanartist's permission e-mail kept in an address that eventually was hacked and deleted. So, sorry if you don't want this stuff up anymore but I'm begging you to allow it just for its time capsule appeal. Thanks for all the good times, all the art and fic. And I hope to meet some of you out there in the wide world again, someday.

UPDATE: March/ made an update page! Glory be to me. =D

UPDATE: April/Children Of The Stars by Growly posted! Sorry about the delays, unescapable life stuff happened, but now things are peachy. Keep watching for sooner updates.

UPDATE: My head went explody. Short of that, a little explanation type thingy is on the web mistress page. I'll be putting up lots of stuff later tonight possibly. Watch for it.

UPDATE:August/ Yeah! Finally put something up. My tallest Red and Purple fic, for now anyway. I'm still HTML-ing more stuff, dunno if it'll get up tonight. The puper is being a tard ever since I installed WC3...damn WC3 and all it's glory...right. So. There's another little ditty up on the web author's page just so ya know. Oh, and sign the guestbook. Let me know I am luuuuvveeeddd.

UPDATE: September/ Devil's Tongue uploaded, by Cartmen's Girl! Woo! I'm still looking for interesting fics and comics; desperately. Any of you author's out there want to share your completed works? =D

I gots me a guestbook! Sign dat sucka if you dare!! Mu hu hu ha ha ha!

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