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[ Season 1] [ Season 2] [Season 3]

Here's a listing of all episodes from Season 1 to the end of Season 2 ( 1- 37). Including is a small one line spoiler for each episode. I hope to add Season 3 by the next update.

Season 3

040 King's Ransom
The R.F.G. is falling apart, but the King introduces a "trump that cannot fail"...hold Paxton Powers hostage and demand a massive payment...but trouble is - nobody wants to pay! 041 Untouchable Batman goes up against a new foe called The Repellar, and what's his connection to Wayne Power?

042 Inqueling
Inque hit by a molecular destabilizing weapon, and starts to dissolve. She turns to the one person she feels can help her- her daughter. The origin and shadowy past of Inque is finally revealed when her daughter is brought back into the picture.

043 Big Time
A friend of Terry's, Charlie "Big Time" Bigelow, is released from prison, and Terry gets him a job at Wayne-Powers, hoping he'll take the chance at living a normal life. But Charlie didn't earn his nickname for nothing...

044 Out Of The Past
Bruce Wayne's long-lost love Talia returns, visiting the aging hero on his birthday, the still-beautiful Talia offers Bruce the ultimate gift - eternal youth. But then even eternal youth has a price as Bruce's past revisits him in more ways than one.

045 Speak No Evil
Batman reluctantly agrees to aid a genetically enhanced gorilla find the killer of his mother, a vicious poacher.

046 The Call (Part 1)
Superman drafts Batman into the League of Superheroes when he suspects there is a traitor among them. Batman ferrets out the traitor, and the reason for his treasonous behavior. It all comes down to a one-on-one battle between Batman and one of the greatest heroes of all time.

047 The Call (Part 2)
Batman and the League confront Superman about his treachery, but he escapes to his secret fortress. The others have no choice but to follow him there...

048 Betrayal
Big Time returns to Gotham, causing problems for both Batman and his later-ego Terry McGinnis, who still feels guilty for what, happened to Big Time.

049 The Curse of the KOBRA: Part 1
Terry goes into martial arts practice while the evil 'KOBRA' organization moves into Gotham.

050 The Curse of the KOBRA: Part 2
Terry must rescue a kidnapped Max and take down 'KOBRA' before they release a bomb that will destroy Gotham!

051 Countdown
Zeta returns to Gotham City to look for his creator, but falls into the clutches of Mad Stan, who turns him into a walking time bomb. Batman must track Zeta down before time runs out.

052 Unmasked
The only episode of Batman Beyond That didn't appear on the KidsWB! aired on the Cartoon Network on Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m (ET). In this episode Terry remembers a time, early in his Batman career, when he foolishly revealed his identity to a young boy -- leading to his being kidnapped by a cell of Kobra operatives.

The Batman/Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond, Batman, and all related characters, names, images,and indicia are ©1999, DC Comics, a division of Time-Warner Communications, and are used without permission for the purpose of informed discussion. All rights reserved.No copyright infringment is intended. Site design Copyright Edward Nygma 2001-2002.