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X-Men (Post Operation: Zero Tolerance)

The mysterious Bastion used the Onslaught crisis to push his militant anti-mutant agenda to the United States government. With the nations approval, Bastion's Prime Sentinels hunted down and eliminated mutants across the country under Operation: Zero Tolerance. Cannonball, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm were captured along with members of Generation X, though all managed to escape. The Xavier Institute was completely ransacked, though Cable was successful in protecting the mansion's extensive computer systems.

In New York City, Iceman managed to save Dr. Cecilia Reyes (a mutant with a psioplasmic force field) from termination, though her genetic secret was exposed. The bone-wielding Morlock Marrow and Israeli mutant Sabra joined the two and took the confrontation to Bastion himself. Before the matter could worsen, Senator Kelly was brave enough to put an end to the murder and SHIELD arrived to arrest the madman. A short time later, Bastion was revealed to be the Nimrod/Mastermind robot upon emerging from the Siege Perilous.

Meanwhile the other X-Men returned from a space journey to aid the Shi'ar, and Bishop was separated from his teammates along with Deathbird. The rest ended up prisoners of the Nanny, and were eventually brought before Erik the Red (a disguised Magneto) who put Gambit on trial for past crimes. Erik revealed Gambit led the Marauders to the Morlocks during the "Mutant Massacre". Repulsed, Remy's friends abandoned Gambit half-naked in Antarctica. Returning home, the remaining X-Men helped save Cyclops from Bastion's last laugh; a bomb planted in his chest.

Dr. Reyes, Marrow, and Maggott (a mysterious mutant met by Psylocke and Angel with intestines that became giant maggotts) stayed at the Institute and joined the X-Men. The Summers left for Alaska so Scott could recover from his wounds, leaving Storm and Wolverine in charge. Rogue, Joseph, Psylocke, and Cannonball also remained. The new team only existed briefly, battling Alpha Flight and extradimensional demons. Shadow King returned to trick Psylocke into giving him control of every mind on Earth, and all telepaths briefly lost their powers. Betsy managed to defeat him, though she could not use her telepathy so as to keep him prisoner.

Cecilia Reyes