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A few links
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It is also subversive and radical; Wiccan women aspire to be free-thinking and unconventional; famous `witches' include the martyred Joan of Arc. Taken from an Article on Amazon

christian occultism and magic in general
Hildegard von Bingen Links Page
How to Make Incense
Incense Magick
Julian of Norwich, Westminster Manuscript
Moontribe Phase Display Wicca, Witchcraft, Goddess Religion, Philosophy
Mysticism in World Religions Frames version
Pan's guide to the resins, gums, oils, woods, roots and herbs etc used in Incense
Shadows and Light
The Christian Witchery Page
The pentagram or five pointed star.
What are the phases of the Moon
Witchcraft 101 The Rhythmic Practice Phase (part #3)
Star student Adam's site
Revealing the Goddess
List of BoS
Sophia Wisdom = this site has a few good bits but a lot of dodgy bits
when working this is a nice wicca shop site in the UK
nice witch site
the medieval church
Great band , the Pornorphans
one of my sites on geocities, its boring

Another site of mine: Fish

another site of mine : Lodestone

My most important site made by me! Goodsoil