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BANG is currently seeking a nail tech, if your interested Click here

Want your hair done on your own time. Schedule your appointment  when you want and the time you want it its just a click away - Schedule an appointment


Want to download AutoCAD version of brushes Click Here

Please feel free to fill out any comments or suggestions you may have.- Customer service 



The original Bang Brush was created  by Darren. The brushes that are located below are special designed to do two different things. The pick is for pulling the hair through the hair cap to allow you to die your hair. The brushes are designed to apply color to your hair with the firm but soft bristles. they come in all different colors and shapes if you are interested in purchasing  one please click here 


To download pictures from auto cad click here                                                                                                                                   If you do not own AutoCAD download  30 day free trial now          


  bang brush 1-2     bang brush 3-4  bang brush 3-4   bang brush 3-4   bang brush 3-4
