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This site is a courtesy mirror of The Other Israel's official homepage which is at hosted by Jewish Friends of Palestine with permission.


After being a subscriber to The Other Israel's mailing list, the TOI Billboard [Subscribe to this list by sending one blank mail to ], for some time we reached the conclusion that entirely too much good and interesting information was being passed along, and then lost, through this List. Being completely in line with the goals of the Jewish Friends of Palestine project, we asked for, and received, permission to create this online archive of TOI Billboard forwardings.

For those interested in learning more about Israeli activists on behalf of Occupied Palestine, please take your time and explore this archive. Also, for those of you a bit wary of adding your email to this List, this online archive will allow you to keep current without actually subscribing.

Shalom - Salaam

February 28, 2003 - Week of the Shiministim & Menachem Klein's rescue operation

February 14, 2003 - Anti-War Protest & ongoing struggles

February 6, 2003 - While the world looks the other way

January 31, 2003 - Hebron, elections, CO update + a lot more

January 24, 2003 - Comprehensive Refusnik Update and Action Alert

January 23, 2003 - Drowsy elections, bad news + some action alerts

January 20, 2003 - Protest tomorrow (21.1) against house demolition + more

January 17, 2003 - Hardening treatment of COs, fateful elections + many protests

January 9, 2003 - A big achievement and many ongoing struggles

January 1, 2003 - At the end of a bad year

December 19, 2002 - Dark days full of protest

December 17, 2002 - Women arrested in rain all night & more

December 13, 2002 - Protesting house demolition & the indefinite prison terms of CO

December 9, 2002 - Wednesday, the Supreme Court defines rights of Marwan Barghouti's family

December 8, 2002 - The gloves are off against growing number of COs

December 5, 2002 - Ben-Artzi and Ya'acobi, beyond 100 days facing immediate reimprisonment

December 2, 2002 - Roadmap of hatred - and other ME news not on the networks

November 28, 2002 - A lot of violence before the light in the end

November 27, 2002 - Nothing in the media about a nursery school being vandalized...

November 24, 2002 - Help ISM stop revenge on innocents (6 Bethlehem houses blown already)

November 22, 2002 - How many must die on behalf of racist settlements

November 15, 2002 - The amazing strength of the people of Kibbutz Metzer

November 7, 2002 - Olives & prisoners, and a lot of alarming reading stuff

November 2, 2002 - Two more personal accounts which just arrived (continuation of November 1)

November 1, 2002 - Jailed refusers, ongoing actions & remarkable reports

October 29, 2002 - Today anti-war demo / update on jailed COs / The settlers' persecution

October 25, 2002 - A busy weekend of peace actions + refusers update

Visitors since December 12, 2002: