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Candle Magick

Candles have been used for more natural lighting in ritual work as well as focal points and concentration aids for centuries. Each different color has a different meaning for both internal and external uses.

Burning candles is a very old magical art. Celtic priests and priestesses used tallow lamps or rushes, also bondiews, Candles are cleaner and easier today for the Solitary Practitioner.

There is one basic major rule in candle burning: For removing or reversing a spell, burn during the waning moon.
For casting a spell that is to obtain or profit something, burn during the waxing moon. The New Moon is the strongest time of power for the waning moon. The Full moon is the strongest time of power for the Waxing Moon.

It is better when using Candle Magick, to put the candle in a safe place and allow it to burn out completely.

Candles can be hand made, but I usually just purchase mine. You can find them for sale in many local occult shops or, even easier - on-line. You will find several sources from my Links Page.

Candle magick is perhaps the simplest, most effective form of magick. The act of anointing, lighting and burning really gets the practitioner into the mood, and thus atunes himself to the magickal act being perfomed. As always, think before you perform any rite or ritual. Your mind set when casting will mean the difference between success or failure. These are only suggestions, as always, you can alter them to meet your specific needs.

Simple Candle Burning Magick

Friendship Candle Magick
Note: If you use your creativity and think a little, altering the above spell will bring success in any number of undertakings. If you want money, use symbols that mean "money" to you. Spell casting should be fun and it should ue your creative forces. Don't be afraid that it won't work. Remember: magick comes from inside.

Candle Magick for Scrying
Scrying is a term used to mean "divining" or "seeing into the furture". You would use this spell as you read the Tarot, or cast the Runes or whatever your tool is. This spell should ease your journey.

Colors and their meanings:

Red: passion, strength, health, vigor, courage, energy
Blue: calmness, health, tranquility, wisdom, creativity, patience
Green: finance, prosperity, fertility, luck, growth, physical healing
Yellow/Gold: attraction, persuasion, divination, intelligence
Pink: friendship, honor, love, morality, peace, nurturing
Orange: success, attraction, justice, ambition
Purple: spiritual power, psychic ability, ambition, third eye, serious physical healing, power
Black: protection, repelling, binding, absorption
White: purity, sincerity, protection
Silver: divination, astral protection, Goddess

Astral Chart of colors:

Aquarius (jan 20-feb 18) BLUE
Pisces (feb 19-mar 20) WHITE
Aries (mar 21-apr 19) WHITE
Taurus (apr 20-may 20) RED
Gemini (may 21-jun 21) RED
Cancer (jun 22-jul 22) GREEN
Leo (jul 23-aug 22) RED
Virgo (aug 23-sep 22) GOLD
Libra (sep 23-oct 22) BLACK
Scorpio (oct 23-nov 21) RED
Sagittarius (nov 22-dec 21) GOLD
Capricorn(dec 22-jan19) RED

Phases of the moon for specific spell casting

If you want to gain something (friendship, money, job, intelligence) do your magick during the WAXING MOON (when the moon is getting full)

If you want to lose something (bad habits, negative energy) do your magick during the WANING MOON (when the moon is getting small)

The FULL MOON is a good time for magick of all kinds, for the full moon brings great power to all magick.

The NEW MOON is useful for starting new ventures.

If you need more info on candle magick go to: Candle Magick


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