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Simple Candle Burning Magick

Use a clean, never-been-used candle, some oil, strong desire, a clear mind and a good imagination. Remember: the key to manifesting magick is putting your mind to it. Magick does not exist indepenent of yourself. You control it, and you guide it.

Take your supplies to your altar. Make sure you will not be disturbed. Cast your circle. Center yourself and feel grounded before you start. Sit before your altar. Imagine what you want to manifest. See it very, very clearly. See all the details in your mind's eye. Do not see your spell working--see it finished. See the result; feel the result. Let yourself become excited as if you already have that which you seek. Feed that excitment, and pour that excitement into your candle. Let that candle become your manifested desire. Creating the proper mindset makes everything possible.

Now begins the spell. With your chosen oil or herbs, you may anoint your candle. The traditional way to do this is to start in the middle of the candle and rub upward. When you feel its done, begin the spell.

State clearly, exactly what you want (remember the three fold law and the rede) Sometimes a poem can be crafted to help focus this desire. But sometimes the best spells are simply spoken from the heart. If you can, write it down first if not, don't worry. You can always come up with another one for the next time. (But do try to record it later for your own Book of Shadows if you can) Open with thanks and close with Blessed Be. The stuff in the middle is up to you.

I often perform candle magick in conjunction with herbal magick, because I find that they strengthen each other. So, enjoy your spellworking, and always know that everything we send out comes back to us times three.


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