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Pimps, but not as big as me

My Best bro and another big pimp in grayson county would have to be Josh Rudnick. He has been my side through a lot of things and some have been bad for the both of us. We’ll alwys be bros no mater what.  Keep it real Smoothie.

Matt, where to start with you.  At first I didn’t like you, but then I got to know you, and you were an ok guy.  Your not really straight with the ladies all the time, but you have got some fine ladies before. Keep it cool man.

Matt’s bro Jimmy is a really cool, calm person.  He loves playing Yu-Gi-Oh and basketball.  I beat him once, but that was about it.  The ladies love ya  Jimmy, hopefully you will find ya one in the future.  She will be a good one, she best be hot too.

Erik Brown is also a good person, but he has to many laides.  He is almost at the top of the list with me, but not there yet. You a good bro Erik, even thought I don’t agree with ya on a lot of things.You take care and one day you might be better than me.  Ahahahahahahahahaha.

Andrew, man your a loser.  Nah I’m just kidding man you know I like ya(most of the time).  You like to watch cartoons all the time and play Yu-Gi-Oh(even when no one else wants to), but it’s all good.  You take care you lil brat and I will beat you in Yu-Gi-Oh one day.

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