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Tuesday, 6 September 2005
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: LOVE
have u ever in ur life been hurt to da fullest... used and abused, tricked... even scammed... all for LOVE well i have... lately ive been telling my self thatave some one but yet i dont... hte one who i thought was the love of mai life has screwed meover time n time again... how??? and ur probably askin why do i let this happen over and over a gain??? i jus do.. wen u love some one nothing matters to u but u and dat person... but wuts in ur heart... "FOLLOW UR HEART AND NOT UR HEAD" dats wut i always say... ur heart heart knows ur desires... ur needs... ur wants and ur wishes... but wen u love some one u believe their every word, their lies... I LOVE YOU isnt just words... its an expression... an expression dat can go a long way... those three words can make u happy, make u sad, make u angry, but must importantly they can hurt you... love is pain... member that... AND that pain will stick with u forever... LOVE is about... its wut u feel not wut u kno... if ur hearts not in... den ur not in... LET ME ASK YOU ALL SOMETHING... have u ever loved some one so much and yet dey treated u so wrong.. im mean... u thought u were so happy... dat u had found the right person... i bet they made u feel HAPPY, SPECIAL, LIKE U WERE THE ONE, but most importantly i bet dey made u feel like u were LOVED... right... tell me im right... for those moments ur heart is in heaven... but den it all starts to fall down... and wut u were feelin before ur not feelin any more... all u feel is pain, rage, anger... well guess wut... U WERE FOOLED BY DAT FOUR LETTER WORD "LOVE"...wen i say dat u were FOOLED... i mean dat ur LOVE DRUNK... becuase i kno... i can say this for maiself as well... dat after all the pain n suffering.. the anger anf the rage... i can guarentee that u... YES U... AND UR HEART... STILL LOVES DAT PERSON... so let me ask u again... WERE U HURT TO DA FULLEST??? ARE U A LOVE FOOLED VICTIM???

Posted by clone2/fawk at 2:49 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 September 2005 7:23 PM EDT
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