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Phone Bunny Your Moment of Fame

Well this bitch has got to be the meanest two faced back stabbing, interfering person i have had
the misfortune to stumble across on yahoo.
She enters a room and there is always someone she has either pissed off or caused trouble with
she obviously has no life what so ever. Ok phone bunny i understand you have medical issues with your hands
and you seem to always mention it!. but i am not going to even go there on that one.

Phone bunny take a look at yourself in this mirror, your fucked up and have some serious issues going on
inside your crazy demented mind, stop interfering with peoples life's!
Look what you did to poor Scoobz (with his gf) I cant believe you can be so cruel and jealous of people!
Also you upset some girl who had been raped, and made her feel even worse than she did!

Gee you are obviously one cold hearted bitch!


You have been warned!

Update! 29-7-02
Right Here's a few private messages phone bunny has sent me, 2 days after she read this page mind you.
phonebunny: ops
phonebunny: the man that was ment to have raped her was easton and he dident hurt debs at all get your fax right she made out she was raped but if thats true why is it she came online and told the hole room and trashed him big time he never hurt her and you should hear what she has to say about everyone in that room try going in under a diffrent name one day i did
phonebunny: and as for scoobz we are very good friends and i never tryed to hurt him you got that so very wrong and i will be talking to scoobz to find out what it is i was ment to have done
phonebunny: and you need to get your fax right and not just that but if your such a nice person why is it your riping women apart wouldent thay jump in to bed with you and you should no i have lots of hacker friends ask scoobz
phonebunny: even my brother is a hacker
phonebunny: watch your back you never no when someone may bite back
phonebunny: dont worry about me but be worried about my friends thay dont like what you have to say
Smiffy: I thought my spelling was crap gee thanks phone bunny you made me feel a whole lot better with myself.

Nickname's Witheld = its to protect the innocent or the guilty!
I was requested to withhold their identities lol

Here are some things Phone Bunny have said about people.

Steve:  apparently i was a disalusioned little boy, with no morals and no sense of humour. funny, coz i found that to be case wiv her. very much so.

Please email your quotes from phonebunny to:


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