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Hey guys, I figured it was time to update some of the great party pictures. Check out the new gif files with the Muckdog Hat Logo's for some awesome moments....

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Stardate 10.06.2000

« And how can we forget Joe's Classic Where Are They Now Report »

Edwin Lim (paid and never showed up) AKA " Mafia " Well poor Edwin was informed through his Asian contacts of how poorly our team played the game and how it was an embarrassment to his culture. Because of his association with the team he was rejected by his peers and declared an outcast within his queens community. He has since fled the United States and is currently seeking asylum oversees in his native land. Ryan Koo (paid and showed up for one practice) AKA " K.K.K. " After witnessing our team practice for the first time, he decided that although this sport is our national pastime, it would be in his best interest to distance himself from this organization and take up the study of Buddhism. He was last seen entering an abandoned coal mine in central Pennsylvania chanting "Na Na Ha Say Ohh" along with 5 other bald men draped in brown loin clothes.

Sergio Sefuentes (paid and ran the wrong way) AKA " F.O.B. ( fresh off the boat)" Not much is know about his exact current where-abouts but last I heard he was somewhere near Colorado. Apparently after his experience of running the wrong way around the bases he returned home to watch the movie Forrest Gump. He was overtaken with the part where Forrest just started running and Sergio decided that running was for him. He set out on a journey across the nation on foot supposedly being heard chanting " wrong way, DX, wrong way". The last actual sighting of him was at a roadside stand in the mid-west eating a chimmychanga with salsa.

the Angelfire Gallery of Fine Art (eat your heart out Ansel Adams)

Muckdog Photo's & Party Photo's

The Muckdogs & Some Old Friends

Crickets Party Pictures Part 1

Crickets Party Pictures Part 2

Crickets Party Pictures Part 3

Crickets Party Pictures Part 4

The Night Game

Johnny's Halloween Party

Party For Chad Part 1

Party For Chad Part 2

Some Memorial Pics