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Dr Evil's Henchmen





So, you want to join the glorious Army of history's greatest evil genius?

Do YOU come to us seeking to conquer the world, take what is rightfully yours, work your own hours, and get a fantastic health and dental plan?

Do YOU come here seeking power, respect, authority, the company of men, to drive fear into the hearts of your enemies, to hold big shiny guns, to crush those who stand in your way, to bark orders, and to grab your own destiny by the throat and choke the life out of it?

Do YOU have a mean streak a mile wide, make small children cry when you walk in the room, and have the creativity to personalise every torture session and execution?

Do YOU have a loving family or a close group of friends that will mourn your passing?

Do YOU look good in a uniform?

Then the Army of Dr Evil's Henchmen is for YOU!  Head on over to our recruiting centre and take our 5 minute recruiting challenge.