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Meet Rosalie Willis! Singer,  Songwriter, Author, Publisher, and Wonderful Child of God!


In Rosalie's own words

I grew up in a Christian home and don't remember not having Jesus in my life. I was Baptized at age 12. That was a very important event in my life, but during my Senior year in High School I rededicated my life to Jesus and made Him Lord of my life. I graduated from Idaho State University with a Bachelor of Music Education, Vocal Specialist Degree. I love to sing.

In 1989 the Lord began giving the music to me prophetically to all 150 Psalms, word for word form the Amplified Version of the Bible, I got the music copywrited in 1996 and began waiting to see what the Lord planned to do with them.  January 1st of the year 2002, I went to Nashville, Tennessee, with a contract to begin recording all 150 Psalms with Robert Metzgar and many wonderful musicians.   The adventure had begun.


In 1972, I began to keep a written record of everything the Lord said to me on a daily basis as He taught me to trust Him and to trust His love with words of love and encouragement and how to walk with Him by His Spirit.  I now have 30 years of Journals.  I started 3 Christian Bookstores and then started a Publishing Company called "Prasie Publishing" and published the first book from my journals called " A Walk With Jesus".  I have also completed the sequel called "Walking On With Jesus" and the third in the trilogy, "The Singing Bride", the story, in the Lord's words of the formation of "A Company of Women"


The Lord had began to speak to me about drawing His women together.  That He had created them to be leaders.  That they had spent most of their lives in the wilderness, but that is where He has trained them and filled them full of His gifts to share with His people.  That all they needed was a little encouragement, love and opportunity to use their gifts and they would find themselves fulfilling their destinies, and with confidence, taking His love to the Nations.  He spoke of "A Company of Women", women of excellence, who were interconnected, who would come together in love and support of one another.  Two years later I invited 12 friends over for dinner, fellowship, worship, ministry and prayer.  The next month 18 came.  The next month 22, then 44, then 50, 60, 70, all by word of mouth from a 5 state area and "A Company of Women" was born. 

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