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The site's history

This page was really just made so I had more things to put under the subheading of 'site'. But you can read if you like.

The beginning
I read The LOTR, was inspired. So started a site on it on geocities. TLOTR's an entire full universe of stuff, and I realised that to make a site on TLOTR would be a little difficult. Then I saw some pictures of Orlando Bloom. So I looked up more pictures. and more... and more... So I narrowed down my site to one actor, and who better to make it on than Orli? I started a new site on geocities, deleting the old one, and dubbing this new one 'Orliology Online'. Orliology: the study of Orli. Then I started the site. But geocities was too slow. So comes the next stage... I switch to envy. Which shut down completely. So I moved to Angelfire, which so far has been good.

The end March 13, 2003. Orliology stopped running because I'm getting too much schoolwork to be able to keep it going. You can still e-mail me about the site if you like, and I'll respond, but I won't be updating anymore. Bye~!

Screenshots of the various layouts:

Screenshot of my geocities site:
unavailabe. I deleted it.

Screenshot of Version 1: Grey

(March 25, 2002) Screenshot of Version 2: Blue and Yellow

(Sometime 2002) Screenshot of Version 3: Colourful top banner

(Sept 7, 2002) Screenshot of Version 4: Trying hard to use Photoshop. This layout only goes to the front page.