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Feel a Mad Shag coming on???

Prescribed treatment: Quick!! Saturate yourself with jam, slip into bed and wait for Eddie to arrive (or the nice men with the white coats, whichever comes first!)

But, seriously ... you can now submit your own stories. It's simple to do:

Just write any story you wish, using square brackets to single out any words or phrases you would like to have replaced. Inside those brackets, put the type of word (verb, adjective, ect) or the exact input you are asking for. Be creative! There's no need to limit yourself to only verb, adjective, noun, ect ... you can use anything you like, such as favorite Eddie quote, favorite color, song, ect.

The following is an example:

[Your name] took a seat at the cafe table, and picked up the copy of [name of magazine] she'd just purchased at the news stand on the corner. Just as she flipped through the pages, she noticed a man was standing there. [Your name] looked up, and immediately recognized him. Eddie Izzard!

"Excuse me," he said, with cup of coffee in hand. "I'd like to buy you a coffee."

[Your name] blushed as Eddie pulled up a chair to sit beside her.

It's THAT easy!

If you can do it, submitting your story as a .txt file would be the easiest. But, if you cannot do it yourself, send it as a document or in an email, and I'll do the text file for you. Email your submissions or additional questions to me at

Be sure to add your name (real name or screen name) so that you can be credited for the story.

Also, please try to limit the number of bracketed out text to 30. Any more than that and the story will not display on the page.

Have fun, and happy shagging!!

Email your stories by clicking the link below

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