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"Michele's morning muffins"

Go to your local grocery and pick up Thomas' English Muffins. (always make sure to pay for them) Bring home.... when you get there open your toaster oven (warning!!!!! open the package and remove not....I repeat, do not place complete package in oven, the plastic wrap may burn). Split muffin or muffins with fork so you get those nooks and crany's, place muffins in toaster oven. When the light goes off and it's brown's done. Take out carefully put on your favorite condiment and enjoy.

P.S. if you have a regular toaster follow same instructions but if you want to have a blast take out of toaster with a fork or knife.


"Giz's complete dinner"     

Take hungryman out of freezer place in microwave.Cook 5 minutes. Turn halfway. Cook 5 more minutes. Take out ....enjoy

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