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Michele hails from Merrit Island, Florida. Which Playboy once stated "The prettiest girls come from there." So Michele was asked to move to New York. Michele went to New York to become a singer, so she took the obvious route and joined the Improv Group "The Grown-Ups Playground."

It was there that she discovered that she had a nack for comedy, but of course that is up for debate. It was here that she also met Giz, who convienced her to join a group named "Nervous Laughter", a sketch comedy and improv troupe.

(Notice: NOOOOOOOOOOOO singing.)

Out of that group was formed "Me, Him, Her & the Other Guy." Which guessed it...sketch comedy and improv.

(Notice: STILL no singing)

Out of that group Michele and Giz formed the current duo "2 Part Harmony". Which performs sketch comedy, improv and....wait...are you ready for this...singing, singing, singing and more singing!!!

Whew!!! She finally made it!

Michele is FINALLY glad to be singing and she hopes you are too, but of course, that is also up for debate. So sit back, relax, take your shoes off (only if you have Odor Eaters please) and enjoy the show...


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