*~ my home ~*

07.sept. 2002
I have been asked several times to submit photos of where I live. -As in outdoor pictures. And going through my picturefiles today I found one!! :)

The picture was taken this winter, -not sure whether it was before or after christmas. It had finally been snowing all day, and then late in the evening we heard on the weatherforecast that it was gonna get warm again during the night. (I guess that means this was before christmas. heh)

We couldnt quite bellieve it, cause we had been sitting indoors for hours, playing cards, and watching the snow build up on the bike standing outside the window. But when the snow there started to sink again, -even if it was still snowing, -we looked at the temperature, and it was at +6*C!!

The logical thing then to do, was ofcourse to go outside and make proof that we had had a winter this year aswell :)
I'm sad to say that late the next evening it was all gone again. -Its like the snow came visiting for just a few hours, just to remind us of how delightful she can be :)

me outside our app., dancing in the snow : )

the cathy-index
the Peer-dress
the Gallery
the Tie-dress
a funny clock
kinda crazy
my home