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Indoor Yield-O-RamaField Information

About Seq(uence) numbers

Every contribution is assigned a sequence number to what's called the root entry. The root entry is the first line in a contribution, or if there are no other data it's the only line. The root is the tell-all record for the entire crop, with any subsequent lines carrying the same Seq# but focusing on different data relating to the root. These lines are called component and supplemental entries as explained below.

Seq numbers followed by a letter indicates a component entry.

Supplemental Entries

Seq numbers followed by a + sign indicates supplemental info about an entry, where that info could occupy only one field in the original root entry.

For example, a contributor may want to offer more information about his harvest than only the weight of his manicured buds, which would use the "MAN" variable entry under the harvest (HVST) field. Because there is only one harvest field per record line, a second supplemental line would be created so that he could also make available the weight for his entire harvest, by using the ALL harvest field variable. More supplemental lines can also be created. For example, another line for the pre-manicured bud weight using the RAW harvest variable, and one for leaves and leaf trim by using the LEF variable, etc.. Given enough of this type of data, it can be used to analyze manicuring habits, how much total growth a garden is capable of producing versus its usable growth, which varieties tend to yield a higher percentage of usable harvest, or which varieties tend to be more leafy than others.

Another example would be for an entry where a grower weighs his harvest fresh, as he harvests/manicures it, and the dry weight in his entry was calculated as 25% of the fresh weight (a "c" follows the grams figure). The contributor may also wish to offer the actual dry weight after he's finished drying/curing his harvest. Because there's only one grams field per record line, a supplemental entry showing the actual dried weight would be created, but with a "d" following the grams figure.


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