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the hitchhiker's guide to douglas adams
Rest in peace, Douglas, and thanks for all the laughs.
who makes me drool?
the only sport I love
my team

a favorite toy...

Questions? Comments?

Write me,OK?

Memories... they're in there. Somewhere, in the back of my head, seeping through sometimes just to make me wonder. What happened? When did it change? Life seemed so much stranger, fuller then. I was invinceble. Everyday was a challenge and an adventure. I miss it.

Ah...Something about train stations, and particularly Victoria. Maybe it's the showers, or maybe just that when you are accommodationally challanged, anywhere out of the cold is good. Of course I have it easier than many, being an American. Seems like the only time I'll mention where I'm from is when there are police or security guards about. And then there is Waterloo.

There's this ledge downstairs in the lady's toilet at Waterloo Station, it's some sort of stone, marble, granite maybe. It can't be more than 5 or 6 inches wide and is located above the sinks. I spent many nights asleep on that ledge. It was almost the floor, inside, and there was a sink and a toilet nearby. I couldn't have asked for more, except for when I would wake up to strange women washing their hands under me. The whole experiance has probably emotionally scarred me somehow, I know it hasn't helped my back at all.

Just remember, where ever you go, there you are...

All content ŠKim Winkler 2001

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Breakout Bat.I am a Breakout Bat.

I am an abstract sort of creature, who dislikes any sort of restraint. If you try to pigeonhole me, I'll break the box, and come back for more. I don't have any particular ambitions, I just drift, but I am adept at keeping life going along. What Video Game Character Are You?