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Get a pencil and chew on it for a while

and it starts.


It's rare I do anything with a pencil or pen anymore... I'm lucky if I dust off my cameras. Just for fun though, here are some snapshots of my old "studio" (meaning a back room in my folks basement). Even I was suprised all this crap from high school and college is still where I left it some 15 years later.

My first sculpture using stone (Canadian Grey Stripe - the poor folks marble) 22" tall from base.

various crap half falling off the walls.

More various crap- photo, oil pastel and a water color/acrylic.

YES! Robert Smith of the Cure immortalized in CRAYON. (crayola on cement! Ha!)

Sophmore year painting final. Oil on canvas 4.5' x 6'

I also for a time made little treasure chests for people - this was my tip jar from when I worked at a coffee house in 1989.

Just made from found objects like the broken espresso cup and pictures from church bookmarks.. it HAD coffee bean legs at one point, but alas! GONE