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QST Covers From the Past

One of the many aspects of Amateur Radio is its rich history. It is great to take a look at the things hams of the past are doing. One of the way we can do that is through back issues of QST magazine, published by the American Radio Relay League. I got these pics from Ebay, and cleaned them up to look presentable. I prefer the pre-1930 issues as they are drawn nicely and the lettering of the art is hand-drawn. Most of these covers are made by Clyde E. Darr, 8ZZ.

The earliest cover I can find. When the "Great War" started,
Amateur Radio was placed on hiatus on order of the US Government.
QST publication was suspended for the duration.
It was after WWI that Amateur Radio was reëstablished.

About 64 years later, history repeats itself
when the "Hands Across America" event took place.
Oh, those causes of the 80's!!!

This gentle YL enjoys listening.

This guy is decked out in his Sunday best when operating.
Nowadays, we operate in our muckety-mucks.
(You know, t-shirts with food stains, bellies stuck out half a mile, and torn jeans.)
This guy is also wearing blush. (Shades of Velvet Goldmine !)

Ahh...nothing says Winter Break like Amateur Radio on a snowy night.
I am hoping that I get to spend next year's break like that .


This is the cover featuring the woman that now graces the
KF6FNS' Lutheran Theology and Amateur Radio Page logo.
If I have my druthers, I'll dress up myself just like this lady.

These gentlemen are going maritime mobile.


Mmmm...should I date the woman on my left or on my right?
And what in the name of the Wouff-Hong is that QRM guy in the diaper?

Rule of Antennas #1: Use proper safety equipment and have somebody help you.

Sometimes, you have those days.

This reminded me of those mimeograph machines in grade school.

This young lad will attempt to listen into the thoughts of his grandpa.
"Wow! That Clara Bow chick is foxy!"

Hope your dates don't end up with a loud noise.


Brings new meaning to the term "Clean Sweep".


Stay tuned for more QST covers!

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