The Civic Action Free University

American Industrial Skills and Productivity Cinemaplex:
The Decline and Fall of Metropolitan Detroit
and Its Manufacturing Base



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Detroit in 1965:
A City on the Move


City on the Move, 1965
Part 1


City on the Move, 1965
Part 2


Contemporary Detroit and Some Adjacent
Automotive Industry Communities

1980s -- Devastation of America's
Inner Cities by Crack Cocaine
NAFTA and the Subversion of
American Democracy
Requiem for Detroit
Hiroshima and Detroit -- 65 Years after the A-Bomb

Detroit Is Dying
RUINS  (of civilisation)
Flint Michigan or Ground Zero?
Forgotten City, Detroit
Dying Detroit

The Awful Truth, from Michael Moore
Detroit Then & Now
Ruins of an Empire
Abandonment in Detroit
Abandoned Detroit Skyscrapers
Detroit, a City Forgotten
Motor City Rhapsody

Detroit, Michigan
Flint Michigan Throws GM a 100th Birthday Party
Delphi / AC Spark Plug Demolition
Detroit -- City in Ruins
Detroit Housing Apocalypse
Detroit, Michigan ... Forgotten But Not Gone

Detroit -- Confronting a History of
Conflict, Drugs, and Violence


Learn about "Larry the Loophole,"
at America's War on Greed


Detroit:  The Post-Apocalyptic
Future of American Cities?


Death Of Detroit - USA

America's Underclass:  The Growing
Gap Between the Rich and Poor


Detroit:  Ain't Too Proud To Beg

Bethlehem Steel:  The People
Who Built America


New Ghost Towns:  Industrial
Communities Teeter on the Edge


Hard Times in Newton, Iowa
"Elections:  Anger In The Land"
60 Minutes

Welcome to the Newly Created Corporacratic States of America
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American Industrial Skills and Productivity Films
Newest Arrivals


GM Around the World (Part 1) (1927)
GM Around the World (Part 2) (1927)
GM Around the World (Part 3) (1927)
GM Around the World (Part 4) (1927)

American Engineer (Part I) (1956)
American Engineer (Part II) (1956)
American Engineer (Part III) (1956)
American Engineer (Part IV) (1956)

Winning Against Odds
Radio and Television (1940)
Lockheed for Leadership (Part 1) (1940)
Lockheed for Leadership (Part 2) (1940)
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Directory of Films

Triumph of America (Part I) (1933)
Triumph of America (Part II) (1933)
Master Hands (Part I) (1936)
Master Hands (Part II) (1936)
Master Hands (Part III) (1936)
Master Hands (Part IV) (1936)
America Marching On (1937)
From Dawn to Sunset (Part I) (1937)
From Dawn to Sunset (Part II) (1937)
From Dawn to Sunset (Part III) (1937)
Auto-Lite on Parade (1940)
This Nations Power (1940)
Bomber (1941)

Victory Is Our Business (1942)
Great Railroad at Work, A (Part I) (1942)
Great Railroad at Work, A (Part II) (1942)
Great Railroad at Work, A (Part III) (1942)
These Are the People -- Wisconsin (1944)
Curtiss-Wright Shorts (7 Subjects) (1944)
Voice of Victory (Part I) (1944)
Voice of Victory (Part II) (1944)
These People -- Frigidaire (1944)
The Way You Want It (1950)
Speaking of Rubber (Part I) (1951)
Speaking of Rubber (Part II) (1951)
Key to Our Horizons (1952)
A Great New Star (1952)

Freedom and Power (Part I) (1952)
Freedom and Power (Part II) (1952)
New Neighbor (1953)
The Secret of American Production (1955)
American Harvest (Part I) (1955)
American Harvest (Part II) (1955)
Achievement USA (1955)
Frigidaire Imperial Line (1956)
Frigidaire Finale (1957)
The Reasons Why (Part I) (1959)
The Reasons Why (Part II) (1959)
Impact '66 (Part I)
Impact '66 (Part II)
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Would you like to share your thoughts and comments about any
of the above films with other Movie Buffs and Film Critics ??
If so, try visiting:
Kilroy's Movie Buffs' and Film Critics' Forum
You are cordially invited to join and participate !!


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