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Amazing Ladies Who Wear Purple and a Red Hat!
Klassy Red Hat Lassies of Kearny Mesa - Chapter 67319
Started in April 2006 (Queen Catinaredhat)!
Email Female of The San Diego Hattitudes since 2001!

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Click here for The Snowglobe of the Month!

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to Pretty Woman!


Red Hat Society began as a result of a few women deciding to
greet middle age with humor and a touch of class! 
Sue Ellen Cooper is the Exalted Founding Queen Mother. 
She impulsively gave a red hat and a copy of the poem,
"Warning" by Jenny Joseph, to a friend and then another and then another. ,
One day it occurred to them they should go to tea
Full Red & Purple Regalia!  This is how the National Disorganization began! 
Sue Ellen's hope is that these societies will grow far and wide. 
It now has over 10,000 chapters worldwide.

How many members make up a chapter?
As many as we wish.  If a chapter gets too big,
we will encourage another group to start.

Woman of 50 and over attend functions in FULL REGALIA
(Red Hat, Purple Outfit), The Younger woman are "ladies in waiting"
and they wear
PINK HATS and LAVENDER until their RED-uation on their 50th birthday.

In our chapter, we encourage each member to take her turn to plan an event,
make the reservations, collect payment if necessary, and notify the members.

The spirit of the society forbids that we make rules.
It would definitely be against the rules to make rules!! 
We are called the National Disorganization because to set rules
for Red Hatters is like trying to herd cats!

*  Throw off the structures of society, dears.
*  Have fun.  Be outrageous!
*  Spend your children's inheritance on brandy, Boa's & gloves!
*  Sit down on the pavement when you are tired!
*  Make up for the sobriety of your youth!
*  Excel in your age and savor life!
*  Indulge yourself because you deserve it!

At age 50+ a beautiful woman looks at herself and sees
"I, AM". 
She sees wisdom, laughter and she puts on a RED HAT and goes out
to have fun with the world, to enjoy life and to go where ever she wants!

Welcome to the Homepage of

Amazing Woman's Ladies who Wear Purple and a Red Hat!
~~Visit and Join Amazing Woman's Ladies Who Wear Purple and a Red Hat!
Requirements to Join!
Share with us your inspirations about wearing Purple
and a RED hat & celebrating our Sisters and our Sisterhood !
While sharing our Family Safe Websites!. Webring created Dec. 17, 2002.
*The Navigation code needs to be on the site you submit.
*Only Family Safe websites
Disclaimer: We do not knowingly link to any site
containing offensive materials,
We cannot be responsible for the content of any web
site except our own.
This site is a member of WebRing.
To browse visit Here.

There are few hours in life
more agreeable than the hour
dedicated to the ceremony
known as afternoon tea.�
Henry James


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"GospeLines Prayer:
Father, at least once a day,
help me to not act my age, but give me the heart
of a child so that I may see more clearly the things
that really matter in life. Amen." 
Thank you Sweet Carol H. for sharing with us!
"Mud Puddles and Dandelions" Feb 12 03

The End!

Some of my images are from Cat-TeaClips� -- free tea- and cat-themed clip art for your personal website.

Red Hat Links

The Red Hat Society Home Page
The Red Hat Imperium
Surfing Red Hat Grandma

Click here for all Awesome! Great Links!

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