The art of 'Silhouette'

The art of silhouetting is one of the oldest art forms.

This type of silhouetting is done completely free-hand and does not involve any drawing or projecting. Each is cut from a single piece of paper with a pair of scissor. Each is an original piece of artwork, not a copy or reproduction. Although the idea of any of these pieces might be used again, they will never be duplicated.

The art of silhouetting is usually passed on from one artist to the next. I learned this art from my mother. Most silhouettes seen today are usually found in antique and collectible stores. This is because it is a timeless art form but practiced by very few.

In San Diego county I am the only silhouette artist currently working professionally.

I have worked at the Queen Mary, Long Beach and numerous places throughout Southern California.

The Silhouette takes 3 minutes or less to cut. The finished product is placed on a decorative 5x7 card stock. Two copies. a right and left view are given to the guest as a souvenir of the event.

The side profile Silhouette takes 3 minutes or less to cut. The Silhouette is an exact likeness of the subject. The finished product is placed on a decorative 5x7 card stock. Two copies, a right and left view are given to the guest as a souvenir of the event.

Silhouette profiles can be made from people (or even pets) of all ages. Children do not have to hold still. Since this is not a photograph, any hairstyle, clothes, hats or costume can be requested.
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