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The Cell

This film is visually stunning. There is no other way to describe it.

There is a bit of a story to go with it. A serial killer imprisons his victims in a room that will flood within 40 hours. Through a few lucky breaks the police find the killer, well played by Vincent D'Onofrio, but unfortunately he has just had a type of brain seizure from which he will not recover. How will the police rescue the woman whom he just kidnapped?

They turn to Jennifer Lopez....that's who! She works for an company that is experimenting in deep therapy. She enters the mind of her patient and tries to bring him out of a coma. The police come to her and ask her to try to find the whereabouts of the woman by searching the killer's mind. It is her voyage through his mind that provides some of the stunning effects of this film.

There is a lot of violence and some scenes that are close to disgusting, but it is about the subconscious of a killer. We learn about what happened to cause him to become who and what he has.

Bottom line question...should you see this film? Well, if you like movies that are big on style and don't mind the violence, yes! The special effects are breathtaking. The story is okay, but it isn't necessary to think about it too hard.

On Stella Starstruck's five star system, I give it **** 1/2 stars.

Cast....Jennifer Lopez, Vincent Vaughn, Vincent D'Onofrio, Marianne Jean Baptiste

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