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Bridget Jones's Diary

I have to admit that when I first read Helen Fielding's novel I didn't like it. However, when I re-read it I liked it much more.

I have seen this film twice and both times I laughed and cried with Bridget. Although Renee Zellweger got a lot of press for gaining weight to play this part, she doesn't look bad! She looks normal. Isn't that the point?

Bridget is a 30 something single woman who is on a quest to improve her life. She wants to lose weight, quit smoking,get a good job and find a good man. The movie is her one year quest to do all of that, plus help her parents get back together, and chose Mr. Right over Mr. Wrong.

Bridget is torn between her boss Daniel Cleaver, well played by Hugh Grant, as a womanizing weasel, and Mark Darcy, well played by Colin Firth. He is a stuffed shirt, especially at first, but gradually we see that he is a much better choice for Bridget.

If you have read the book you might fare a little better at this movie, but really, it isn't necessary. I've heard it described as a chick-flick, but I think that does it a disservice. It's just a very funny movie.

Is it worth seeing? On the Stella Starstruck scale I give it **** out of 5. See it if you are interested in this funny mostly British movie.

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