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October 29, 2008 - Wednesday

Rainy most of the day.


Today was a good day. I got up in time to watch most of the news, then stayed up. I was a woman on a mission. I wanted to make dulce de leche today!

The weather was terrible, so I didn't want to go out. I surfed the internet and found a few sites about how to make dulce de leche. One method is to make it on the stovetop, but I didn't want to keep the gas on for a long time. I found a couple of sites that describe how to make it in a slow cooker, so that's what I decided to do. Because there is an element of danger in making this, I don't really want to describe how to do it on my blog. (The can could explode if not done correctly.)

Also today, I vacuumed the apartment. Yay me. I found some books for a friend of mine, and when I was getting them out knocked over a box full of plastic packing chips. They flew all over the room. I had so much fun picking them up afterwards.

I also typed up my column and did a little bit of editing. I am still editing. I also wrote a few emails that I'd been putting off.

When Fumihiko came home tonight he found me in the kitchen doing the washing up. I did some dinner prep while he was there too. I washed and spun the lettuce, chopped and seeded the tomatoes and put out the shredded cheese in a bowl. I made tacos for dinner tonight and they were well received. I haven't made them for a few months, so it was a nice change. They were good.

After Fumihiko did the dishes we went out to the grocery store. We needed a few things. I got us a bit of ice cream for later and we also got some sugar for Fumihiko and some avocados for me. They had a bag of 3 for 180 yen. Wow. I think there's some guacamole in my future! We also picked up our pan. We have been saving stamps from the grocery store for bringing our own bag to the store and could get a nice little stainless steel pan.

Back at home we relaxed for a while and I finally reckoned that the can was cool enough to open. I warned Fumihiko that it could be dangerous to open it, so he grudgingly opened the can for me. I hadn't told him what I was doing today with the slow cooker. He was very surprised to see a light brown liquid oozing out of the can. At first he thought that it was spoiled, but I grabbed a spoon and dug in! We had some of the dulce de leche on the ice cream and it was delicious. I'm looking forward to having some on bread tomorrow.

I'm back to work tomorrow, and will hopefully have a good day too. I think there might be some laundry in my future.

Got to go, night night!

*****To give credit where it's due, I first learned about dulce de leche from the Blue Lotus blog. She has wonderful pictures of this delicious ambrosia.


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