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October 19, 2008 - Sunday

Sunny and warm. Glorious day.


I got up in the early afternoon, but I felt quite well rested for the first time in ages. I spent a little time at my computer, then Fumihiko and I went out

We had a nice lunch at Moku-Moku then went over to Yamaya for some foreign food. I got some sunflower seeds, Fumihiko got some Korean noodles. After that, we drove to an electronics shop to look at TVs. Yes, we just got a new one, he was thinking about getting one for his mother. He picked one that he thinks will be okay for her, but didn't buy it. Today was an information gathering trip only! I did get myself a new mousepad. I got a new mouse when I was in Canada so decided to get the new mousepad to match it. It looks very swank. It's a black suedette kind of thing, my mouse is black and navy and my computer is black...very matchy-matchy!

We drove out to the mall when we were done. It's my sister's birthday next month so I needed/wanted to get her something. I looked around the clothing department in Aeon and finally chose a few things that I think she'd like. I also got something for my niece for Christmas. It's cute I think. Fumihiko was a sweetie and bought the things, so I offered to buy him a coffee to make up for it. So, that's what I did.

We came home for a bit. Fumihiko wanted to go to Togashi for dinner tonight so he actually made a reservation for us. At 7:30 we turned up and got a table. The place was quite busy, so it was a good thing that he did. The yakiniku was very good, as it always is there.

We hit the grocery store on the way home. I'm going to cook tomorrow night's dinner. Too many nights eating out in a row sort of bug me. I've been trying to get Fumihiko to not go out so much, but it's hard when I'm the person that works late. In all fairness, he does cook when he's home early enough, it's just that I don't always like what he cooks. Sigh.

We came home and Fumihiko made some popcorn and we settled in to watch another one of the movies we rented this week. Four down. Tonight it was The Family Stone. I'd seen most of it on WOWOW before, but had missed the beginning. I really liked it. I cried at a couple of places, Fumihiko didn't like it too much or was having a hard time saying whether or not he liked it.

When the movie was over, he started watching some horrible kickboxing so I listened to a couple of CBC podcasts. I don't get what the attraction is to things like kickboxing. Probably never will. Hopefully never will!

Anyway, that was my day. Tomorrow I'm off work as well. I might go out, or I might stay home and do laundry. I think I said that before, didn't I? Ha ha ha! Until tomorrow....


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