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October 14, 2008 - Tuesday

Cloudy and a little cool.


This morning I was rudely awakened by the telephone. One of the neighbours called my husband to get a copy of some paper. I tried bravely to sleep on. Didn't manage much. He bummed around the apartment making all sorts of noise before leaving. Hurray. I was awake, so I got up and checked email. There was baseball on so no news. I went back to bed. I slept. For a long time. Usually on a work day I set my cellphone's alarm, but last night I had a lot of trouble getting it charged properly. Anyway, I was cold so I went into hibernation mode.

When I finally roused myself I decided to shower first, then come back and get out the quilts for our bed. I think it's time. While I put the covers onto the quilts I watched my weekend TV programmes. Mostly enjoyable. Sadly on Cold Case, the little romance that my favourite character was having seems to be over. Oh no. Poor guy.

I got ready for work but left a little late. Still, I made fairly good time getting to my school and it was mostly ready for today anyway. I did a quick sweep and then changed into my teaching clothes.

Classes today were fine. My first student is doing really well. My second class was all about grammar and the students weren't too happy about it! Still, we got on with it, and worked through most of it. Next time should be more about doing work rather than analyzing the whys and hows. One of the students in my last class stayed a little late and we discussed James Franco, the young actor. I told her that I have a few screensavers of him...I actually meant wallpapers on my computer, but she got the drift. He's quite dishy.

When I turned on my phone again, my husband sent me a message saying he was busy, so I sent him one back that said "me too!" I really was. I did all my paperwork, did the dishes and set up for Thursday's classes. I still didn't hear from my husband, so I did a little re-decorating. I got out the Halloween stuff that I had from before, and I put up the new things that I bought on the weekend. I also made a new "vase" for some of the taller flowers I had bought on the weekend. Basically I took a chip canister and covered it in strips of scrap construction paper. It took a while to do it, but looks surprisingly pretty. I was quite impressed with myself.

By the time I finished it was after 10 pm so I texted my husband. He called me back. Apparently he'd finished work about 20 minutes after his last message, but hadn't thought to tell me. Sigh. When I said I was busy, I meant with things around the school, not with students. My husband knows my schedule, it's posted on the fridge and updated weekly.

He picked me up, we went and bought gas for the car, and then came home. Fumihiko had prepared a nabe for us for dinner. It was okay. I'm not sure why, but recently his nabe's just don't taste that great. He says that he's using soba soup as the base, but I don't think he should! Still, I should be grateful that he made dinner for me (and I am actually!) The nice thing about nabe is that there is very little clean up. I didn't mind doing the dishes tonight.

We had a very quiet evening. Fumihiko went to bed a little after 1. I should go soon. I'm quite tired. Hopefully I won't be cold tonight.

Night night!


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