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October 13, 2008 - Monday

Sunny and warmish.


I slept quite late today but it didn't really matter as we didn't have any plans for today. After I got up we went for lunch. Our first choice was closing early so we ended up at the Washington Hotel. I had pasta and Fumihiko had chicken.

After lunch we went for a drive. Fumihiko took me up to Mount Gassan today. It was beautiful up there, but a little scary. The road was so very narrow. In many areas there wasn't room for two cars to go past each other. At one area a woman had driven her car off the road and had one wheel stuck in the ditch. It took a team of men to get her back on the road.

The mountain was so beautiful. The fall colours were out in full glory. My poor little cellphone just wasn't up to the job, but I took a few pictures anyway!

We drove home and vegged for a while. Fumihiko took a nap and I spent time on my computer. After a while, he woke up and then we went out for dinner. Fumihiko wanted tonkatsu, and as he'd been asking all weekend for it, I thought it was high time he got it!

We came home via the grocery store. We had a quiet evening at home. We watched Jekyll and then we watched ER. I'm now watching Pillow Talk on NHK. It's quite funny in a cornball sort of way. I like that Doris Day and Rock Hudson are playing adults, but the story is quite silly.

Tomorrow I'm back to work. I should do some laundry, but I'm not sure that I will. Tune in tomorrow for another scintillating update of "As The Washer Spins," right here on Angelfire. Night!


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