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February 11, 2007 - Sunday

Cold and a bit snowy, with some rain.

I had a great day today. We both stayed up late last night, or should I say, early this morning. I didn't wake up until around 12. Fumihiko went out around 1 to get his glasses. He'd left them at work, so when I got up the house was empty.

When he came back, we went for lunch to Jiro and then visited the grocery store. It was really busy. I was quite surprised. Tomorrow is a national holiday so I guess that's why. People were buying their food today, rather than tomorrow.

We came home and spent most of the rest of the day at home. Fumihiko looked at my taxes for me and discovered that he needs a cd-rom so he ordered that. It should be here soon I think. In the evening our new modem for the new broadband that we're getting arrived. It wasn't an opportune moment when it arrived. I could say more, but this isn't that kind of blog.

We went out for dinner to the evil place tonight. It was very quiet when we got there, so it was a good time to go. They have a few features at the moment that were very interesting. They have a crepe bar, and a parfait bar. I didn't take advantage of either, although I was a tad tempted. Before hitting the restaurant we went to Yamaya to pick up some herbal tea...and a few other things. I got sunflower seeds and crispbreads. Hubby got Fake Beer.

We came home after dinner. Hubby watched inane Japanese stuff for a wait, I take that back. He watched a show about a man who'd gone to Cambodia to help remove landmines. Not inane. After it was over I asked if we could watch some of my shows that I had taped last night. We started with Grey's Anatomy. It was very cool.{Spoiler Alert-if you haven't watched it yet...don't finish the paragraph} There was an unexploded shell inside a man, and a paramedic had her hand inside him keeping it in place. She didn't know that it was there of course. At the end of the show she took her hand out but one of the doctors put their hand in instead. The Resident in charge of the younger doctors was in labor and her husband had been in a car accident on the way in. McDreamy was operating on him as the show ended. Good stuff. Fumihiko and I have decided that we really like Sandra Oh's character.

I watched CSI New York after that. Fumihiko didn't watch much of it. When it was over I watched Little Britain, which was very funny in a weird sort of way, and then The IT something. It was okay. I'd seen it before.

And that was my day. I didn't do much, but it was nice. It's nice to have a more low key kind of day. Hurray.

The Daily Rant....

Not much time for a rant today, but this is something that bugged me since I was in college. I was reading a great fantasy book, really enjoying it. It was massive, but I was nearing the end. The story was building, building but the pages left to resolve the matter were getting fewer and fewer. Finally on the last page it said simply, "To be continued." What???? Why didn't you tell me? At that point the next book hadn't even been written. That is just so unfair. If I had known that the book was the first of two I wouldn't have read it.

Serial books are more common nowadays, but I have still been suckered into getting them before all of the books have been written. I hate that. I think I'll just check out the back page of all the new books that I want to buy. If I see those dreaded three words, I'll pass until the whole series is done. (I won't. I keep falling for new series of books all the time. I'm still waiting for Dean Koontz to finish his Frankenstein trio!)



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