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February 5, 2007 - Monday

Clear and sunny. Gorgeous day.

I had a great day today. Yeah. This morning I was lying in bed thinking about getting up when the phone rang. Fumihiko answered it and it was my sister calling to wish me a happy birthday. It was lovely to talk to her, and I even unwrapped her present while I was on the phone with her. She sent me two pairs of pants, something I always need.

After that, I showered and dressed. We drove to Bistro des Pointes in Mikawa and had a fabulous lunch. I ate everything today, including dessert. Yum. We both had Shonai Pork with gobou, a Japanese vegetable as our main dish. We had sashimi to begin, then pumpkin soup. After the soup we had our main course, then finally dessert. We both had gateau de chocola....It was so good. The chef served it with banana ice cream. I love bananas....not...but this was quite nice. We left the restaurant and went to the mall.

We checked to see if anything good was playing at the theatre, but there wasn't. We bought our week's supply of decafe coffee and then headed back to Tsuruoka. After a brief stop at a supermarket to get snacks, we went to karaoke. We sang for a couple of hours and did a lot of neat songs. I sang Gwen Stefani's "Wind it Up", which is darn hard. Her phrasing is difficult to get right. I also did and really enjoyed the Rod Stewart version of "Have You Ever Seen The Rain?". Of course I did a lot of my personal favourites, including "Total Eclipse of the Heart", "Down at the Twist and Shout" and "Wherever You Will Go". And, I musn't forget about "Mandy" and Anne Murray's "Snowbird". How can you tell I'm Canadian?

We went home afterwards, or tried to. I asked about my bike, so Fumihiko detoured to the bike shop. It wasn't ready yet. However, the same place also has a shop there, so I did some searching around and found a set of cups for my school.

We came home for a while and I checked email and did some computer stuff, then we headed out again. We first went to my school. Fumihiko wanted to set up my lovely doll there. The problem was, her display case was much too big. Argh. We've compromised for the moment and have put her on display, but not in a good place. I'll have to try and get a pedestal or a small table to put the case on so that it's more visible. I don't want to put the case anywhere that it might be damaged by the students. Of course I don't think anyone would hurt it on purpose, but accidents do happen.

After Fumihiko set her up we closed up shop and went for dinner. Fumihiko took me to Togashi's, the yakiniku restaurant. We had a lovely meal. I was quite stuffed at the end. My diet will have to start again soon!

We came home afterwards and then we vegged for a bit. I watched Cold Case from this afternoon. It was interesting because they focussed on a detective that I don't know much about, the one that's played by a Canadian actor. I thought it was interesting. Then, we watched the repeat of ER. Also interesting. It was about the letters that Neela and Michael (Gallant) sent to each other and their lives in their respective hospitals.

And that's it. It's after midnight now so it's not my birthday anymore. It really was a great day. The weather co-operated, I talked to my sister and I spent time with my lovely husband. Hurray! My birthday was great.

Now...drumroll's My Daily Rant.

A couple of nights ago I watched part of the Golden Globes and saw Donald Trump in the audience. He's getting on, looking okay, except for one thing. He has a combover. Now, this guy is rich. Could he not afford a decent hairpiece? Or is everyone around him so afraid of him that they tell him it looks good? In the movie we watched last night, Scary Movie 2, there was a character with a combover. He was a dweeb. The stringy combover was there for comic effect. In my university I had a teacher with a combover. It started about halfway down one side of his head. One day, it was windy and his hair went all over the place. I felt sorry for him because he was a good teacher. The combover was terrible.

So, guys, we know that you may be a little bit embarrassed if and when you get a bit thin on top. But, please, for the love of Mike, do not do combovers. Bald isn't bad. In fact, it can be rather sexy. Look at Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery, Laurence Fishbourne, Ving Rhames and Samuel L. Jackson. I know that the last three actors are bald by choice or movie role, but they look great. Combovers. Don't go there.



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