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September 25, 2006 - Monday

Sunny and warm. Nice day.

What a weird but great day! Last night I went to bed very very late. In fact, it was so late that it could be considered early for today! I was awakened at 7:30 by my husband returning. He'd gone to his house to pick up his suit and my dresses for the wedding we're going to next month. I was worried at first as he said he'd brought me 2 purple dresses and I'd asked him to bring me a blue and gold dress. Luckily, he'd brought me 1 purple dress and my blue and gold dress. Yeah!

He wouldn't let me go back to sleep, which was a darn shame, but.... Anyway. Later we went out for breakfast! We went to the Washington Hotel. They had a buffet breakfast. It was quite Japanese in style, but I did manage to find enough to eat. That was nice. After we did a bit of shopping and errand running for Fumihiko.

We went home to let him get his papers in order, then went back to the post office. After that, I went to the bank to pay my school's water bills. I managed to time it so that I did two at once. Yeah. Then, we went to the mall for lunch. The only problem is that we weren't hungry yet so we went to the jewellry store to get his watch fixed and then the video store to look. After that, lunch. It was okay.

Fumihiko suggested that we go fishing in the evening but I wanted to go and see a movie in the afternoon. We decided to do both! We went to see The Lake House with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. It was great. It was one of those nice little movies that are just dripping with romance. I actually had tears in my eyes at the end and I'm not such a softie at movies usually. I liked it very much and so did Fumihiko.

After the movie we went off to the docks. Fumihiko found a store and bought some bait and then we went to the Sakata Port. We fished for a couple of hours. The fish were biting, but we weren't catching much. I caught about 4 aji, but they were really small so we threw back all but one. Fumihiko caught a saba, and almost caught a lot of others, but not quite. It was pitch black when we stopped for the night. It was a lovely warm evening though.

We had dinner in Sakata's M's Dining and then came straight home. Fumihiko is watching some weird Japanese thing and I'm taping Dr. Who, which just started tonight. I'll have to watch it tomorrow.

And now, I'm off to bed. I'm so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open. I'll catch you tomorrow night, okay? Night!


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