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Charmed Episode Guide for Season 2

Here is a episode guide to all the episodes in season 2 of Charmed.

Witch Trial (aired September 30, 1999)
Witch Trial Trivia
The start of a new season, the start of a new year of witchcraft for the Charmed Ones. They would be celebrating their first anniversary of being witches. Phoebe wanted to celebrate. Prue, who was still recovering from the loss of Andy, on the other hand was a little weary. Phoebe had been learning more about the Wiccan religion from a fellow witch, Stevie. On the night of their anniversary, Abraxus (Walter Phelan), a demon on the astral plane, stole the Book of Shadows. He was in the house with it, just on a different plane. So, they were worried.
At the worst time a girl came to the door crying, asking to use the phone. They couldn't make her leave so they let her. That's when a really hot guy came in after her. As it turned out they were the sister's new neighbors, Dan (Greg Vaughn) and Jenny (Karis Paige Bryant). Although Dan was super cute, they had other things to do. So, they went back finding out what happened to te BOS.
Meanwhile, Piper was trying to get a loan to start a nightclub. She was going to sleep with the guy from the bank (Greg Cromer) to get it, but Phoebe accidentally interrupted them. The guy, Rob, went to the club with Piper to check it out, anyway. Meanwhile, Abraxus was reading the spells out of the Book of Shadows backwards, thus reversing them. Jeremy, yes, Jeremy the warlock, suddenly appeared in the club. He knocked out Rob and then went after Piper. She froze him and called her Prue and Phoebe on three-way calling. Jeremy fought through her freezing. The sisters recited "The Power of Three Will Set You Free" together over and over until Jeremy once again was vanquished. As a result of the unfortunate events, Rob ended up not giving her the loan. Piper was bummed out and to make matters worse vanquished warlocks and demons were becoming unvanquished. And guess what, suprise, suprise, they weren't too happy with the sisters. Phoebe and Piper went to meet Stevie. She was at a Wicca gathering. They were celebrating the Autumnal Equinox. This made the girls anniversary a very strong day. They had to find their connection, Stevie told them. The rest of the group gathered in a circle and held hands. Phoebe urged Piper to join. Piper gave in, just as they all started to undress. Somehow, Phoebe talked Piper into doing it.
Later Piper and Phoebe went home to think about what to do and what had happened. Since they could not use the Book of Shadows, they tried the spirit board. It spelled out "Abraxus." Phoebe looked him up in her Wiccan books. They learned that he was a demon on the astral plane. They came to the conclusion that he was in the house, just on a different plane, and he was reading the Book of Shadows backwards to reverse the spells. Suddenly, the Woogie Man appeared behind them. They recited the Woogie Man spell. He was gone once again. They knew that Nicholas would be the next to come and that he might go after Prue. They tried to call her but she was busy. Nicholas appeared and trapped Prue in her office and started killing her, but she said the spell to vanquish him. He was gone, but Prue was very close to dying. She went to the hospital. When Piper and Phoebe came to pick her up she was thinking about Andy. The Book of Shadows had said that they were going to have to fight this evil with the power of one, or in other words Prue. Prue said that they shouldn't try to save the book because if he said the last incantation they would not be witches anymore, and would not have to watch their loved ones die. Phoebe was really mad and figured they were screwed. Piper and Phoebe were going to try it anyway. They figured that since Abraxus was on a different plane they would have to make a window, so they made a huge triquintre on the wall.
Meanwhile Prue talked to Morris. They talked about Andy. She decided that she would come around and went home to help her sisters. They made the window and saw Abraxus. Prue freaked out and didn't do anything. He was now ready for them. Piper and Phoebe didn't understand why Prue would not use her powers. She explained how she felt responsible about Andy's death and felt really guilty. Piper and Phoebe gave her a talk and she felt better. Phoebe remembered what Stevie had said; they had to connect. So, Prue, Piper and Phoebe went out into the woods and stood in a circle. They recited the incantation that made them witches over and over. This vanquished Abraxus and the book came back to them. Everything was back to normal. The girls were up in the attic and Phoebe and Prue had a surprise for Piper. They gave her the money to start her club. They were all bonding when Grams appeared. She said that she was the one that always been turning the pages in the Book of Shadows. She stayed for a minute and then disappeared again.

Morality Bites (aired October 7, 1999)
Morality Bites Trivia
A man in the Halliwell's neighborhood kept letting his dog poop on the sidewalk in front of the sister's manor. The sisters were not too happy. They looked out the window and saw him letting his dog do it again. The sisters weren't going to let him do this anymore. Piper froze him and Prue used her power to scoot the mess on him. When he unfroze he saw the mess, and Phoebe in the window. He walked away displeased. Phoebe didn't think much of it. She went over and sat down on the couch to watch the news. As they talked about a baseball player named Cal Greene Phoebe had a horrible premonition of her burning at the stake in a modern day witch trial. Then Leo showed up at the door. Piper was very happy, but then Leo said he had to go. He morphed his way up to the attic to the Book of Shadows. He turned it to a page that would send the girls into the future to fix something. Then, as they came up, looking for something for Phoebe, he left. They decided that they had to find a spell that would allow them to go into the future and fix this from happening. The book was already opened to a page that would do just that (ahem, Leo). This spell would send them two weeks before the scheduled burning. They did it and ended going they day of the burning. Everyone was different. Piper had curly hair, Leo was her ex-husband, and she had a beautiful little girl! Prue was filthy rich because she owned Bucklands and had long blonde hair. Phoebe's hair was long and straight, and she was skinny and pale. Phoebe was in jail. Prue was all alone and very involved in her work. Phoebe found out that she mad killed a man with a new power because he had killed a person that she loved so she was "teaching him a lesson". Pratt had found out about Phoebe's powers and that she was a witch. He had enough power to trial her to be burnt at the stake. Witches lived underground, as you would be burnt if you were found guilty of being a witch. Leo helped these people. He was very bitter towards Piper. Piper and Prue looked through the Book of Shadows and found that it had a lot of personal gain spells in it. They also found a lot of helpful ones that they planned to use to bust Phoebe out of jail. At first Phoebe wanted free, but she thought about it and decided that this was what her future self deserved for killing a man. They were supposed to protect the innocent, not punish the guilty. Prue and Piper were ready to break Phoebe out but she told them that this was her destiny. They watched as Phoebe got burnt to a crisp. They then found themselves back at home. Phoebe was back at home. It was all like some kind of weird dream. But it had happened, and now they were given a second chance. They were back to early that day. They looked out the window again at the guy with his dog. Prue and Piper were about to do what they did before when Phoebe stopped them. This was where it all started. That was the first time that they had used their powers to punish someone. So, they didn't do anything. As they looked at the man they realized that it was Pratt, and that was probably why he went after Phoebe like he did.

The Painted World (aired October 14, 1999)
The Painted World Trivia
Prue got a unique painting in at Bucklands. It was of a castle. The owner, Jane, seemed desperate to sell it. She said it drove everyone in her family crazy-literally. Prue felt sorry for her and told her she would get it sold.
Meanwhile, Phoebe had damaged Prue's car and wanted to get money to pay for the repairs. She went to apply for a job at Web San Francisco, but found that the other applicants were, as she perceived, a lot smarter than her. This discouraged her. She took the aptitude test which she had to fill out and went home. While looking through the Book of Shadows she found a spell that would make her smarter. She cast this spell and added at the end that she wasn't doing it for personal gain, just to get money for Prue's car. The spell was a 24-hour thing and only lasted until 7:00 PM the next day. That was enough time for her to do the test and get the job.
Later that day Prue was at work and swore that she saw a light in the window of the castle. She was kind of scared. She had her assistant, Joe, x-ray it. Interestingly, they found that on the inside the painting there was Latin text. Prue said these words aloud and got sucked in the painting. Inside she found a man named Malcolm. He claimed that an ex-lover, Nell (a witch), had trapped him in there after a bad breakup over 70 years before. Since Nell was a witch, Malcolm was cautious around Prue, since it was inevitable that she was also a witch. Inside the castle there was balls of fire flying around in the one room. Prue used her power to protect herself.
When Prue didn't come home or answer her phone Piper and Phoebe started to get worried. Piper went into Bucklands looking for her. She found Prue's purse, but no Prue. She realized that maybe Prue was right about the painting. She took the painting and X-ray and went home.
Meanwhile, Phoebe was a walking computer. Piper could tell that something was up with Phoebe, so Phoebe decided to tell Piper the truth. Piper was OK with it, since she added the personal gain part in. Piper had other things on her mind. Her new club had the war and peace of code violations. She knew that Dan was into construction. He agreed to help her out, but only if she would help Jenny with a paper, a sex paper. Of course, Piper agreed.
But Piper was in no mood to help Jenny with her paper when she got herself stuck in the painting. She was just looking at the X-ray and she read the words aloud. Prue wasn't exactly happy to Piper because Piper had no idea of how to get them out, either. But the feeling was mutal between the two. There last hope was Phoebe. Luckily, Phoebe had seen Piper get sucked into the painting. She was searching through the BOS when Jenny decided to come over. ~Let's talk about sex baby. Let's talk about you and me~ Phoebe had no time for Jenny, so she shewed her off with a picture of the egg and sperm.
Inside of the painting, Piper and Prue had a plan to notify Phoebe of Nell-they had to write Nell on the window. Piper was the lucky one to do this and nearly got sliced and diced. With the help of Prue was quickly got the name up and ran back to safety. Phoebe got the message and was quick to search the BOS for Nell. She found some info in Latin, which, fortunately, she could read due to the spell. She learned that Malcolm was a warlock that Nell had trapped into another dimension. It included what was to be said to free those within the painting. Phoebe did not want to get stuck inside herself, so she used some of her own smarts. She put the spell on Kit's collar and sent Kit in.
By this time, Piper and Prue were finally putting the facts together and realizing that Malcolm was a warlock. Now they needed Phoebe more than ever. Malcolm was out standing watch. He found Kit and the spell. He took it from her before Prue and Piper could get out. He had the power of blinking, which he used, proving to Prue and Piper their convictions. He freed himself from within the painting. Phoebe was ready for him, and had picked up some new martial arts skills that day. He blinked himself outside to see his lover, Jane. It was 7, and Phoebe's spell was over. She no longer understood Latin to read about Nell. Then Malcolm and Jane barged back in.
Jane used her power of fire to lite the painting on fire. Phoebe had no choice but to send Malcolm, Jane and herself into the painting. Malcolm thought that she was extremely stupid, but then realized the Phoebe had pickpockected the collar from his pocket. The sisters quickly grabbed Kit and went out of the painting. It eventually burned all up, killing Malcolm and Jane.

The Devil's Music (aired October 21, 1999)
The Devil's Music Trivia
Dishwalla was a popular band in clubs in San Francisco. Little did they know their manager had a deal with a demon that he would bring people to the demon, and he would eat them and torture their souls for eternity. He had to obey, or else he would get in trouble. He conned the girls into going to him by telling them they were going to meet the band, and then locking them in the room with the demon. Meanwhile Piper's club, P3, wasn't doing that well. Business was slow. Prue and Phoebe, who were co-partners with Piper, needed to take out a loan. The man who had originally been there to help them turned mean and decided that if they didn't give him more money and ownership he would tell the bank that they owed money. They had to fix this. Meanwhile Leo had orders to get Dishwalla to perform at P3, so that the girls could destroy the demon. Luckily, this also helped save P3.

She's a Man, Baby, A Man!(aired November 4th, 1999)
She's a Man, Baby, A Man! Trivia
The Heat wave was keeping San Francisco very hot. Phoebe was especially suffering. She had a high fever. That wasn't the only thing that was affecting Phoebe. She had been having horrifying dreams. They were sex dreams, but not just any sex dreams. She dreamt that she would be with guys. The guys told her how much they adored her and that she was irresistible. They know. But then out of nowhere Phoebe would suck their testosterone out. Piper told Phoebe to shrug it off as some kind of meadifore. Phoebe would have but one thing held her back. Morris came to Prue and told her that all the men from Phoebe's dream had really been murdered. They found information in the Book of Shadows. The person who was doing the killing was called a Succubus. A succubus is a witch that made a deal with darkness to protect herself from heartbreak and now goes around killing guys to reproduce. She would die by burning. Phoebe thought she was the Succubus. Prue and Piper figured that Phoebe was just psychically connected to the demon. They found a spell to attract the Succubus. Prue said it. When she completed the spell huge flames arose from the candles. When Piper and Phoebe turned around Prue was a man! Prue, as you can guess, was not too thrilled about the outcome. She spent forever in the bathroom hiding. Piper and Phoebe talked her into coming out and solving things.
Prue went to a dating service where all the victims had been a member of and signed up. The girl formally known as Prue now called herself Manny Hanks.
While Phoebe waited she met a guy named Dr. Owen Grant. She had a premonition of the Succubus killing him. She decided to get his tape. Piper also eyed neighbor Dan's tape. Dan's tape sparked interest in Piper. So, did his butt as he washed his car later that day. But that's beside the point. So, Phoebe kept a watch on Owen at the mixer that the dating service was having. She sensed that the Succubus was at the mixer. She told Manny to take Owen out, out of the building is. Manny, being the man that he is of coarse punched him out. Whoops. Then to continue the act he then punched out a cop; Morris' new partner, Smith. Manny was taken to jail along with Owen. Phoebe talked Morris into letting Manny free, but kept Owen safe by leaving him in jail. Later everyone went to P3. Phoebe sensed that the succubus was there. She told Manny to go out into the ally behind P3. The succubus, who was Darla (the women who worked at the front office of the dating service), got to Manny. He felt a need to make her feel accepted. Darla was just about to kill him when Piper froze her. Manny ran to his sisters. Morris and his partner ran to the ally. Darla went after Morris, but he shot her tongue. She died. Morris's partner was at the morgue alone with the body. Being the hormone-happy guy that he was he checked the dead succubus out. All of a sudden she came to life and ate his testosterone. Phoebe realized that Succubus wasn't dead and saw her going after Manny. Piper helped Phoebe to reverse the connection and help Manny reject Darla. He did and she fell on candles and burnt to death. Manny turned back into our beloved Prue. It all ended with everyone, including Dan, Prue's boyfriend Alan, Owen and of coarse the sisters, going to P3 for the Cranberries special performance.

That Old Black Magic (aired November 11, 1999)
That Old Black Magic Trivia
It all starts out in a forest area with two guys. They were trying to find a mineshaft with gold in it. They came to a cave and found writing on the wall. The one guy was having second thoughts, but the other started to search for gold by hitting the walls. All of a sudden an unusual women came out of the wall. She asked for the year and said something about being trapped for 200 years. The men were horrified. The women kept asking for her wand. When the guys didn't know where it was she put magic dust on them. They became tiny. She picked them up and fed them to her snake.
Meanwhile, Bucklands was doing a live show called "How Much is it Worth". Phoebe called Prue because she was worried about Piper. She watched from the window as Piper and Dan made out. She thought Piper was rushing things. Prue said that she shouldn't worry and went to do her show. After Phoebe hung up Leo appeared. He seemed very serious. He said that something very bad had happened and he needed Piper and Prue. Just then Piper and Dan walked in. Dan was a little confused. Piper was very mad. She didn't want Leo just barging into their lives. Dan didn't know why Piper was so mad when he was just a handy man. Phoebe tried to explain but he had to go. Leo told the girls that a witch-hunter was on the loose. Her name was Twowatha. She was once a good witch, but used her powers for evil and turned into a witch-hunter. No witch could kill her. Only the "Chosen One". He said how she had a wand that they needed to get to the Chosen One before she got it.
Back at work Prue was appraising a wand that an elderly women had. Prue was doing great until this Jack guy came and stole the customer. He bought from her. He got her address and went to leave Prue used her power to get the address from him and was happy. She later went to meet the women. The wand was Twowathas. Twowatha sent her snake to find it. The snake and Twowatha appeared in Betty's apartment. Twowatha used the wand to kill Betty. Prue was too late, but she got the wand and went home.
Meanwhile, Piper, Phoebe, and Leo went to meet the Chosen One. He turned out to be a high school nerd named Kyle. They were upset that he was so young, but knew they had to get him. They knew he liked magic, so they showed him theirs convinced him to go home with them. He was really freaked about everything. He considered himself a nobody, so he thought it was joke. When Prue came home she gave him the wand. It lit up when he touched it. He started to believe them.
While this was going on Twowatha was preparing for Prue. She used a spell to strip Prue's powers. The sisters decided to try to defeat Twowatha by themselves first. They went but were very unsuccessful. They decided maybe Kyle was their only chance. Leo tried and tried to train Kyle. It wasn't going well because Kyle didn't believe in himself. When Kyle heard that the sisters were afraid of Twowatha he knew he couldn't defeat her. He left. While walking he met up with Jenny, who he liked. She gave him the courage to go back. At the Halliwell home Twowatha's snake appeared. Prue chopped it in half and it turned into two snakes. Then Kyle came in and used the wand to kill the snakes. Twowatha ten appeared. They tried to use a potion to make her go to sleep, but it didn't work. She used a similar one to put Leo and Phoebe to sleep. She made Piper and Prue stay in one spot. She took the wand, but Kyle got it back. He then willed her dead. She died and everything went back to normal. They figured Kyle wouldn't tell anyone and everyone was fine. Leo told Piper that he wanted Piper to have a normal relationship with Dan.

They're Everywhere (aired November 18, 1999)
They're Everywhere Trivia
Many things were going on during this episode. Each sister had something happening. Prue was at the bookstore and she saw Jack. She turned around and in the blink of an eye there he was somewhere else. She wondered if maybe he was a warlock. Dan had invited Piper to his friend's wedding. So, Piper was going to go with Dan. Phoebe was volunteering at a hospital. She knew a really cute guy named Eric who was always was at the hospital with his dad who was very sick. Phoebe had a premonition of some demon sticking his needle like finger into Eric's head. She had to save him. Meanwhile, Prue expressed her concerns about Jack to Piper. She mentioned Dan possibly being one. Piper was sure Dan wasn't until Dan came to the door. Kit hissed at him. Uh-oh. She decided a warlock test might be a good idea. So they searched through the Book of Shadows for something. They only found a spell to hear secret thoughts. They figured that it was all they had to go on. They cast the spell and could hear everything everyone thought. Phoebe came home and they heard her thinking about Eric. She explained about her premonition. Prue and Piper explained about the warlock problem but left out that they cast the spell. Phoebe proposed that they froze them and pricked them with a needle to see if they bled. They agreed that it was a good idea. Phoebe went to the Book of Shadows and Piper and Prue went to solve their man problems.
Prue went to Bucklands to meet Jack. She had a plan to trick him. She asked a question about Jack's online company. Prue heard Jack hesitate in thought. He thought about how he put people in graves or incinerated them. Prue was sure he was a warlock. She left to tell Piper that they needed to stab him quick.
Dan came to pick up Piper early for the wedding. She told him she wasn't ready. She froze him and pricked him. She got nervous when he didn't bleed. Then she remembered he was frozen. She unfroze him and he fled. Piper sighed with relief. He wasn't a warlock. As Dan was leaving he noticed a hornet nest that Kit was hissing at. Oops.
Later Prue and Piper went back to Bucklands to officially test Jack. She froze him. Just then another Jack walked in. Twin warlocks? Or just twins? Piper froze the other one and Prue stabbed Jack. Piper unfroze both of them. Jack bled. He wasn't a warlock. But wait a minute. Jack confessed that him and his twin, Jeff, had played a little trick on Prue. So, he wasn't a warlock, just a jerk. Prue and Piper left for home.
Next Prue, Piper and Phoebe went to Eric's apartment. They found two men, one of them being Eric's dad's doctor, killing Eric. They saved him and took him to the manor. They froze Eric and Phoebe told her sisters about Eric. There were these acetic records that told all about the future. The only way to find it was to follow a map that was in a museum. The problem was that the map was in a language that no one knew or could figure out. Eric's dad had s-started to decode the map. The people that were attacking Eric were "Collectors" that could suck the knowledge out of someone's brain. They sucked his dad's brain. Now they were after Eric. Eric thought it was all some FBI thing or something. He knew though that he had to save his dad before they killed him. Phoebe was touched by the love between Eric and his father and was determined to help his dad. They went to the hospital to save the dad. When they got there the collectors were ready for them. They had the power of blinking and took the dad. Everyone went back to the manor. While there the collectors called Eric on his cell phone. They told him to meet them at Golden Gate Park, without the Halliwells to get his dad back. He got away from the sisters, but Prue and Piper heard him think where he was going.
When they got there they didn't know where in the park he was. Meanwhile, Eric had something up his sleeve. If the collectors didn't restore his dad he would blow his head off and they would never be able to get the knowledge. The one collector knocked him out and sucked his brain. Phoebe came to save the day, but he sucked her brain, too. It was left up to Prue and Piper. They listened as the collectors plotted their plan in their head. Piper froze them and moved them together. They sucked each other's brain. Everyone got their knowledge back but no one except Prue and Piper remembered anything. Everyone was back to normal and Piper made it just in time to go with Dan.

P3 H2O (aired December 9, 1999)
P3H2O Trivia
The episode starts off with Prue by the lake where her mother died. Although she didn't tell her sisters, she went down there a lot to think. While she was at the lake, Piper called to see how Prue and Piper's car were doing. Prue lied and said that they were caught in traffic. After Prue got off the phone she had flashbacks from when she was kid. She remembered watching them zip her mother up in a bag and her screaming "Mommy". She walked out into the dock where it had happened. She then saw the park rangers boat start to shake and flip over. Someone-or something-was pulling him into the water she ran over to help him, but a man stopped her. The park ranger was gone. Prue went home right away. She told her sisters. She knew that the owner, Mrs. Johnson, was going to re-open the camp. She didn't want anyone else to drown. They figured they had to find out who the man was and talk to Mrs. Johnson.
Prue first stopped by Bucklands. To her dismay Jack temporarily had to share her office. She wanted to deal with Jack, but she had to go to the park. He offered to take over her meeting with Mr. Fujimodo. She was reluctant, but he put them all of three-way calling (Prue was on her cell phone at the park). To Prue's surprise Jack talked to Mr. Fujimodo in his native tongue and easily won him over. Prue still didn't trust Jack and thought that he would take credit for her. But later she found out that he didn't and she felt better about Jack. She even asked him out.

When Piper and Phoebe got to the camp they went up to talk to Mrs. Johnson. She said that in light of the newest drowning they would not be opening the camp. The sisters felt much better. Mrs. Johnson also told her that the man that had saved Prue was Sam. When she saw Prue she mentioned how much she looked like Patti. Prue rejected it, saying Piper was the one who looked most like her. Phoebe asked Prue why she always acted in such a way when someone compared to her mother. She said that it scared her that she was turning into her mom.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Johnson was out on the dock pulling a boat in. Just then the water demon came up in the form of one of its victims and grabbed Mrs. Johnson in
As this was going on Prue, Piper, and Phoebe were in Sam's little house. They were confused because there was an award dated 1872. They figured he was a warlock. Piper also found some letters, which she put in her pocket. Just then Leo orbed in. He told the sisters that Sam was their mother's whiteliter. He had tried to save her, but couldn't. Phoebe was very angry with Sam. They went outside by the dock. They saw Mrs. Johnson and tried to save her. Sam came running out to stop them. Mrs. Johnson went under, and water came spurting up between the boards. Luckily, they made it off safely. They confronted Sam. He told them to leave. He did not want to lose them as he lost their mother. He thought that they would let their emotions get in the way and would fail. To prevent them from doing this he used whiteliter dust on them that made them go asleep and forget everything.
The next day they woke up and felt really weird. Piper had poison ivy. They kind she only got when she went to camp. And Dan was at their house with breakfast. They were very confused. After Dan left Leo orbed in. He realized that they were under a spell and tried to help them to remember what was going on.
So, they went on as planned. Piper stayed home with Leo to look in the BOS. Prue and Piper went back to the park. As it turned out they hadn't officially closed the park and many little kids were coming. All the kids wanted to do was swim. They used some of Sam's powder to make the children stay away from the water.
Meanwhile, when Piper was doing laundry and found the letters were from Sam's house. They were love letters from Patti to Sam. She had the same relationship with Sam as Piper had with Leo. They decided that they had to tell Prue and Phoebe. They both orbed to the park. They confronted Sam. They wanted to know if he knew how to vanquish this evil. He told the story of what happened. He saw her on the deck and went to save her and she froze him. That was all he saw. He didn't know what she was doing. Prue knew that there was one person that could find out, Phoebe. Phoebe thought it was unfair of Prue to force her to it, but she knew she had to. She saw her mom holding some kind of electrical cords, and then her mom getting killed. They figured that her mom was trying to separate water molecules, which would kill the demon. They decided that they would do the same thing, but Prue would do it with her power. They set it all up and Sam went out on the end of the deck with Prue. The demon came up went into Sam. Sam held the cord and Prue turned it on. It killed the demon, and left Sam weak. Leo tried to help him, but it wasn't meant to be. He died and went with Patti.
Everything was back to normal, except for Leo. He decided that it would be best if he wasn't Piper's whiteliter anymore, because too many feelings were involved.

Ms. Hellfire (aired January 13, 2000)
Ms. Hellfire Trivia
Prue and Phoebe were talking in the living room when Piper came in. They were joking about how Piper spent all of her time with Dan. The subject changed to it being Friday the 13th. The year before Piper had been very superstitious. This year she didn't care about anything. She even said Friday the 13th. But of coarse with her luck as soon as she said it bullets started pouring in through the window. The sisters protected themselves with their powers and the furniture. Soon the shooting stopped. Who would want to kill the sisters? A demon or warlock? Since when do supernatural beings use guns? They waited and the killer surprised them at the front door. Prue used her powers to return the bullets back at the person. They fell dead. It was a women-a mortal woman. Prue had killed a mortal. She felt bad but she knew that she had to do it. They went through her bag and realized that she was a hit woman. She had a list of 11 names, P. Halliwell being one of them. P. Halliwell stood for all three sisters, so 13 people to kill. All of the names were crossed off except P. Halliwell and M. Steadwell. By M. Steadwell it said explosives at 10:30. On another page it had the sisters powers listed. For Phoebe it said 'negligible'. Poor Phoebe. She must have been hired by a demon of some sort. Great, just what they needed.
The sisters called Morris over. He was very confused. Why was she lying dead and the sisters were perfectly fine? The sisters decided to tell him the truth-they were witches. He was in shock and was just kind of numb. He said that he could make sure that there wasn't a big deal made over the body.
Next Prue and Piper went to the hit women's apartment and Morris and Phoebe went to M. Steadwell.
First, Prue had to stop by Bucklands for a meeting with her new boss. She was assigned to work with Jack on a project to earn a lot of money. They had to earn so much money or else they would be fired. Piper was rushing Prue to come while Jack wanted Prue to stay and get started. Prue felt a desperate need for there to be two or her, and then there was. Her real body fell in a deep sleep like position. Then a second Prue appeared by Piper. The second Prue went back into her body. Prue had astral-projected! A new power. Prue made an excuse to leave Jack and went with Piper to the hit women's apartment.
When Prue and Piper got to the apartment it was wonderful. Closets full of beautiful clothes, wigs and makeup. This woman was the master of disguise. No one must have known what she really looked like. They found some flowers addressed to "Ms. Hellfire." So, they had a name. Then some guys with guns showed up. They thought that Prue was Ms. Hellfire and wanted to take her with them. Piper naturally froze them, so they could leave but Prue had other ideas. What if she pretended to be Ms. Hellfire? What better way to find out what was going on? Of coarse Piper objected. Prue finally convinced her, though. So, Piper went back into hiding and unfroze everyone. Prue went with the men.
Meanwhile, Phoebe and Morris where going to Marcy Steadwell's shop. In the car Phoebe tried to talk to Morris about being a witch. He didn't want to know anything. He felt he already knew too much. Phoebe was disappointed. When they arrived Marcy was just about to go inside of her shop. Morris ran and pushed her out of the way as her shop blew up. Luckily, everyone was ok. Marcy was bursting with joy because she had cast her first spell, a protection spell, and it had worked! So, Marcy was a witch, or at least a Wiccan practioner, also. Phoebe took Marcy to the Halliwell manor.
Prue ended up at a large building where she met a guy named Bane. He obviously had hired her. She tried to get some answers out of him, but he wasn't helping her much. Bane and Ms. Hellfire had only conversed on the internet and Bane had questions, also that couldn't be answered. Prue said that she took care of M. Steadwell, but the Halliwells would be taken care of. Bane said that "he" needed them dead by midnight. When Prue asked who "he" was Bane didn't understand why she didn't know. He figured she was just joking.
Back at the manor Piper and Phoebe were finding that Marcy was quite the hyperactive witch. She ran around casting protection spells all over the house. On top of this Dan asked Piper to move in with him. What???? Well, actually just until they got the windows fixed. He said that Prue and Phoebe could come, too. Jenny had moved back in with her parents, so Dan was feeling kind of lonely. Piper didn't want to take that step, but it was hard to turn Dan down. And another worry for Piper was Prue. Prue had not called or come home yet and it was getting late. She's was really scared for Prue. Finally, Prue came home. They were thinking about what demon was after them and thought things were kind of familiar. Thirteen dead witches by 12:00 on Friday the 13th? It had to be the demon Barbas, from last year. Prue decided to go back to a club where Bane was at.
Meanwhile, Barbas (who could use a persons greatest fear against them) knew that Prue, Piper and Phoebe were alive. And he could tell that Marcy was alive also. He decided to go to the morgue. He got rid of the morgiticion and found "Marcy’s" body. He knew that it was Ms. Hellfire. He also knew that Prue was pretending to be Ms. Hellfire.
Back at a club Prue and Bane were dancing. Both found each other very attractive. Bane's partner told Bane the truth about Prue. Bane didn't believe it at first, but then was very mad at Prue. She killed the women he loved. He took Prue back to Ms. Hellfire’s apartment, where Barbas was, as well. Barbas found that Prue's new greatest fear was of losing a sister. He made Prue believe that imposters that looked exactly like Piper and Phoebe were going to kill her sisters. Prue had to kill the imposters. When Phoebe and Piper came over Prue thought that they were the imposters. She tried to kill them. With much effort Piper and Phoebe got Prue to believe that they were her real sisters. She was ready to go get Barbas. As long as they lived he would die. So, they went to where he was. It was almost 12:00. Piper froze Bane and Barbas. Piper unfroze Bane and time, but Barbas was still frozen. The sisters were alive and Barbas went to Hell, or wherever demons go. Bane went to jail. Prue used all of Ms. Hellfire's things for the money she needed for Bucklands. Everything turned out right in the end.

Heartbreak City (aired January 20, 2000)
Heartbreak City Trivia
It all starts with a man and a women in office building. They looked at each other but kept walking. Another man slowed down time. He talked to the man and the women. They could not see him but it was kind of like they were thinking. This man told this couple how to treat each other for their relationship to work. We put time back to normal. The couple, Cindy and Kevin got together and started a wonderful relationship. Later, this mysterious man who had helped the couple was back in an alley. Another man, named Drazi appeared. Drazi beat up this kind man and stole his ring. Who was this man? What was the significance of the ring? As we later found out the man was Cupid. Yes, you heard right Cupid. The ring was magical and helped him to fix up relationships. This Drazi guy had a grudge on Cupid. Cupid had broken up Drazi's relationship with a woman because of his evil ways. He was like the evil version of Cupid. With the ring Drazi was going to break up all of Cupid's couples, which would kill Cupid. Cupid went to the sisters for help. Meanwhile, Prue, Jack, Piper, Dan and Phoebe went to see a movie. Phoebe was feeling left out because her date stood her up. She felt like the fifth wheel. They all decided to go for coffee, but Phoebe wanted to go home. As she was leaving a man grabbed her and begged her to help him. Little did Phoebe know it was Cupid. Dan came over and told Cupid off. Cupid ran away. Everything went on normally. Phoebe went home early, Prue stayed at Jacks (and *talked*), and Piper slept at Dan's (I think we all know what she did there). That was when Cupid showed up at the manor. At first, Phoebe was skeptical of his story. Cupid? Yeah right. But something in her believed him so she called Prue. While Prue was coming to the manor Phoebe went over to get Piper. Dan had made her breakfast in bed and bought her a present. *How sweet* Just as they started to kiss Phoebe showed up. Piper froze Dan and had to yell at Phoebe. Phoebe told Piper the situation and she unfroze Dan, gave the usual explanation ("Something has come up") and left. Now that the sisters were together they wanted to quiz Cupid. They made him name some of their old boyfriends. He named most of them. They decided to trust him.
Meanwhile, Drazi was having fun breaking up the couples. He went to Cindy and Kevin. He added distrust and hate into their relationship. Drazi was killing love, which is what Cupid is. Back at the manor he could feel the pain of Drazi's actions. They went to find Drazi and once again kick some serious demon butt. They made a potion that would kill Drazi. They found Drazi and chased him to an alley. They threw the potion on him and he melted into a puddle. But Cupid's ring was nowhere to be found. They decided to just make a spell to send Cupid back home. After they had left Drazi came back to life. The ring had protected him.
That night, while Piper and Prue went out on a double date with Dan and Jack, Phoebe and Cupid stayed home to make the potion. Phoebe was upset that while they were out having a great time, she was home with the totally annoying Cupid. As they were talking Phoebe started to warm up to Cupid and admit that she had closed out love for fear of being hurt.
When Phoebe and Cupid finished with the potion they went to P3 to meet Prue and Piper. They found Prue and Piper coming out of the restroom. Prue and Piper wanted to go tell Dan and Jack that they would be right back. While they were telling Jack and Dan, Drazi came into P3. He used the ring to break up the two couples. He told Dan that Piper was still in love with Leo. He told Piper that she still loved Leo. He told Prue that Jack just wanted sex. He told Jack that Prue was just using him as a rebound man from Andy. They all fought and broke up. Cupid was being hurt from this. He and Phoebe went to find Prue and Piper. They realized what Drazi had done but Piper and Prue wouldn't believe them. Piper kicked Cupid and Phoebe out of P3. They went back to the manor to think of a plan. They realized that the only way to harm Drazi was to fix up the relationships that Drazi had ruined. Cupid was going to use Phoebe as his ring, since her heart was as big as any. Phoebe hesitantly agreed. They went to find Cindy. She at first was not very receptive to Phoebe. Since Cindy had a closed heart like Phoebe Cupid told Phoebe to act like she was talking to herself. Eventually, Cindy started thinking how much she loved Kevin and went to him to apologize.
Drazi was about to break up another couple when he felt a sharp pain and couldn't believe that Cupid could repair the loves he tore apart. Meanwhile, Phoebe called Dan and Jack over to talk to Piper and Prue. They all talked together and finally Prue and Piper realized that it was Drazi who had broken them up, not their own feelings. They all talked to each other until everything was back to usual. They sent Dan and Jack out for some food because they knew that Drazi would be coming. And they were right. Drazi showed up and started beating up Cupid. Piper froze them. They had a little bit of the anti-Drazi potion left. They took the ring from Drazi and put it on Cupid. Drazi died, for good. Cupid went back to him home.
At the end of this episode Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Dan, Jack...and....Max...all went to a movie. Max was the guy that stood Phoebe up.

Reckless Abandon (aired January 27, 2000)
Reckless Abandon Trivia
A mutal friend of all three sisters was having a baby shower. Prue and Phoebe had forgotten, but Piper bought a present and knit a stuffed animals and baby clothes. Prue mentioned it being good practice for little Dan, Jr., but Piper insisted that Dan was the only one moving too fast, not her.
Phoebe had probably forgotton about the shower because she was trying to get a new job. She wanted to work as a psychic for Morris at the polics station. He didn't like the idea because people at the station thought that he was weird and didn't want to enforce that image. While Phoebe was talking to Morris a little baby was brought into the station. It was abandoned. The inexperienced police officers were waving things in the baby's face, making it cry. Phoebe picked up the baby and had a premonition of a ghost and a man, probably the father of the baby. She could see why he was abandoned. He offered to take the baby home, and Morris agreed. But they only had 24 hours before Social Services started asking questions.
Prue had her own problems at Bucklands. Prue and Jack had to make an astounding presentation, if they wanted to be selected to go to NY. But finding that they had to care for a baby wasn't exactly helping Prue's work ethic.
Phoebe was hoping that Morris could help her find the man from her premonition. They had a sketch artist make a picture. She faxed it to Prue, and she immediately knew who is was. It was Gilbert Van Lewen. Their family was very rich. Mysteriously, all of the men in the family seemed to be dying "by accident". Coincidence? I don't think so.
Meanwhile, Gilbert was at his huge home fighting with his wife, Alexanrda, about the ghost. She didn't believe the stories, and neither did Gilbert until then. That's is when the ghost appeared. He used his lightening bolt like powers to push Gilbert over the bancony, killing him.
The sisters soon heard of his death. Phoebe and Prue went with Morris to try and find out some information. Piper was stuck with the baby. The found out that his name was Matthew because of a blanket.
While Phoebe and Prue were at the Van Luwen estate, they confirmed their conspisions. They saw all of the Matthew labeled blankets and other things. Unfortunetly, neither Alexandra, or Gilbert's mother Martha, would tell the sisters anything. They didn't mention the baby, in case casper was around.
Back at the house Piper was dying. Matthew was crying and crying. She asked Dan over. He was a natural. He came from a big family, and knew all the tricks. It was good that Dan was so perfect, but it kind of made Piper feel unperfect.
Prue and Phoebe soon returned. Phoebe went to do some research on the Van Luwens, and Prue had to work on her presentation. So, again Piper was stuck with Matthew. Phoebe found on the 'net that Elias Lundy had mysteriously disappeared before the first Van Luwen man died. He had left all of his stuff at the estate. The sisters spent the whole night researching, caring for Matthew and working on the presentation. They were pooped in the morning. A baby is A LOT more work than they had expected. When they woke up they found Dan holding Matthew. What an angel. Oh no, wait that's Leo. Well, what a nice guy. But Dan eventually had to go. Piper and Prue were on there way to go see the Martha and Alexandra again and Prue had to go into Bucklands. What about Matthew? Oh yeah, him. Well, Prue decided that she would just take him into work with her. When she got there, Jack was there with good news. He had gotten the presentation done and they were in the running for NY. But Prue had to say no. She had Matthew to take care of and the ghost. Oh well.
Meanwhile, Piper and Phoebe brought a long the peice of fabric with Matthew on it to convince Alexandra. The ghost came about and they comfirmed their belief that is was Elias Lundy. The ghost tried to follow them out of the house, but couldn't. But to be sure they took Alexandra to P3 to talk. They didn't want to risk Lundy finding Matthew. Alex said that Elias had been the butler. He was enfatuated with Martha, but she rejected him. He wrote Martha and his initials on the biggest oak. Martha killed him and burried his bones right by that tree. They went home to find a spell or something to vanquish Elias. They found a potion. They had to first spread it over his bones. The only other way was to end the object of his obsession, and that was Martha. They couldn't do that. Morris came to pick up Matthew. The sisters had grown attached and didn't want to see him go. But they had to. They then went to the Van Luwen Estate. They found the bones and were about to put the potion on his bones when he came out and hid them from them forever. Martha insisted that they tell her the other choice. Before they could do anything, Martha jumped off the steps and killed herself. Alias went to Hell, Martha could finally rest in peace and Matthew was back with Alex.

Awakened (aired February 3, 2000)
Awakened Trivia
It was a busy night at Quake and Piper was manning the club by herself. She felt relieved at the site of Phoebe, who had just come from signing up for college. Phoebe excitedly told her sister the news. But Phoebe was still in the dark about what she wanted to be. She signed up for seven electives!
Piper told Phoebe about Quiwano, the exotic, and illegal, fruit Piper had a worker smuggle into the club. She didn't feel that it could do any harm, seeing as how it was just fruit.
Pheoebe also had other concerns. While talking to Piper, she could tell that Piper was sick. Of course Piper just ignored her sister because she was so worried about the club.
Piper realized that there were too many people in the club. She stood up to see just how many people were their and realized Phoebe was right. Piper fainted and they called 911.
Piper woke up in the hospital, but found the comforting site of Prue. Prue didn't know what was wrong with Piper. They dicussed how they thought it was probably something like mono. How wrong they were...
Meanwhile Phoebe was impatiently waiting for a doctor to come to her aid. While waiting a boy in a wheelchair came up to her. His name was Nathan. He was sick, although the doctors didn't know why. He had a ninja doll from the children's ward. Phoebe's heart reached out to the young boy. She told him that the ninja was really a magic wizard. He could, freeze, move and kickbox the monsters in Nathan's body.
While talking to Nathan, Dr. Williamson came to talk to Phoebe. Dr. Williamson was a infectious disease specialist called in for Piper's rare condition. This worried Piper considerably. Dr. Williamson was not descriptive in what was wrong with Piper. He did say that after tests they found that Piper had Aurora Fever. It was popular in South Africa but rarely seen in the US. She contraced the disease from a sand fly carried through the Quiwana fruit. However, he did not say if it was life threatening or not.
When the doctor was gone the sisters had a discussion. Prue and Pheoeb wanted to call Leo. Piper insisted that they not call Leo or anything magical. It was up to the Dr.'s now.
Meanwhile at Bucklands Prue and Jack were appraising a painting. It looked like Monet, but Prue noticed some odd things about it. While talking abou tthe painting they also used it as an analogy of their relationship. At the time Prue was stressed out about the tests on Piper. She just had to wait until the doctors called her which was very frustrating.
Phoebe told Dan about Piper and they also waited impatiently.
Finally, the sisters were called in because Piper's condition had worsened. She was now in a coma. Prue and Phoebe knew that it was time to do something magical to save Piper. They contacted Leo but he said that "they" wouldn't let him help Piper because she was not hurt fighting evil. Prue and Phoebe thought screw the consequences and went to the Book of Shadows. They found an Awakening Spell.
The spell required a poppet. Phoebe went to visit Nathan. He told her that he was being released! The power of positive thinking, thought Phoebe. Nathan happily lent Phoebe the ninja. After sending Dan for sodas Prue and Phoebe were ready. They cast the spell and Piper awoke. Dr. Williamson came rushing in, amazed at her recovery. Phoebe placed the ninja in the garbage and celebrated with her sisters and Dan.

Piper anxiously left the hospital and the sisters celebrated with Dan at P3. Although Dan was worn out Prue, Piper and Phoebe were bursting with energy. At around 2:00am Dan was dead so he decided to go home.
Now Piper could talk to her sisters. She knew that they had cast a spell. She was grateful but knew that there would be consequences. The argued that they would have seen any consequences and dropped the subject.
Prue remembered that she had to appraise the painting so she went to Bucklands. Phoebe stayed with Piper at the club to clean up. Piper suddenly turned into Wonder Women, flying around the room at 60 miles per hour. Phoebe realized she had found a consequence.
But the sisters was only a minor consequence compared to the others that awaited them. At the hospital the poppet had come to life! It was now the disease and anyone it poked became infected. This stumped the doctors because Aurora Fever was not contageous, although they had an outburst at the hospital.
Back at Bucklands Prue was talking to Jack. She had realized that the painting was fake. It was not by Monet, but rather one of his students. Prue told Caldwell, but his ethic was who cares. If people will pay more, whats the difference? This was not Prue's view.
Meanwhile, at the hospital Dr. Williamson was stumbling over Piper's recovery and the outbreak. With the work of anoter doctor they shut down P3 and brought Prue, Piper and Phoebe into isolation.
When they heard the news they knew it was because of the awakening spell. Piper insisted that they reverse it. Prue astral projected to the BOS and got the reversal spell. Phoebe and Prue protested but knew what they had to do. They reversed the spell and Piper returned to the coma.
They quickly called the Dr. Williamson. Piper was slowly dying. While the doctors hopelessly tried to revive Piper she was in another realm. But she wasn't alone, Leo was there, too. They were in a place that "they" couldn't stop him. He told Piper to grab his hands. Meanwhile on earth the doctors were soon giving up while Prue, Phoebe and Dan sat crying their eyes out. finally Dr. Williamson called it. She was dead. Piper grabbed Leo's hands and returned to her body. As Piper came around she said "Leo" which really hurt Dan.
After the experience Prue decided that she needed to trust her beliefs. She quit Bucklands and broke up with Jack. She knew now life was to short to waste so she better do what she thinks it right. This is what she thought was right.
Later the sisters went to P3. They talked about everything and then realized Leo was there. Piper thanked him and asked if he had gotten into trouble. He got his wings clipped temporarily. He promised that now that he was mortal he would fight for Piper.

Animal Pragmatism (A Charmed Valentine)(aired February 10, 2000)
Animal Pragmatism Trivia
Phoebe sat in her college class staring at this cutie who was staring at her, also! Behind her sat her study group who chatted with each other as the professer continued his lecture on animal reproduction. When he was done Phoebe talked to her friends. Valentines Day was tomorrow. Since none of the girls had guys they bought Bewitched, a book full of love spells, as a joke. Phoebe laughed to herself as she read the incorrect spell. She corrected it for the girls. Knowing that they had no dates she gave them a flyer for a P3 Valentine party. With that they left.
On her way out Phoebe ran into the cutie she had been eyeing. She invited him to meet her at P3 and gave him a flyer. He was definetly interested. Meanwhile Prue talked to Piper. Piper listened to her now unemployed sister go on about her plans for today-do nothing! Prue thought it would be great to have time for doing nothing.

Pardon My Past (aired February 17, 2000)
Pardon My Past Trivia

Give Me a Sign (aired February 24, 2000)
Give Me a Sign Trivia

Murphy's Luck (aired March 30, 2000)
Murphy's Luck Trivia

How to Make a Quilt out of Americans (aired April 6, 2000)
How to Make a Quilt out of Americans Trivia

Chick Flick (aired April 20, 2000)
Chick Flick Trivia

Ex Libris (aired April 27, 2000)
Ex Libris Trivia

Astral Monkey (aired May 4th, 2000)
Astral Monkey Trivia

Apocalypse, Not (aired
Apocalypse, Not Trivia

Be Careful What You Witch For (aired May 18th, 2000)
Be Careful What You Witch For Trivia

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