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Welcome to Andrew's Pokémon Center! This site is filled with everything you need to know about Pokémon! PLEASE sign my Pokébook before you leave. If you haven't taken a look at the battle arena then PLEASE go now. My ICQ# is 21557435 and my friend Chris's ICQ# is 46080133 or e-mail us. Look at the bottom of the page for our e-mail addresses. Enjoy the rest of my page! Tell your friends about this site and come again!


Goodbye ForeverMarch 4, 2001 By: Andrew
I'm really sorry to say it but I'm never coming back. You can check out my new, more advanced web page called Anime2k. It has info on all sorts of anime so if you still come here and you got the time, check it out! This is Andrew signing out for the last time at Andrew's Pokémon Center...

Happy New MILLENNIUM!!!January 3rd 2000!!! By: Andrew
Hey Everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a long, long, long time but I've been really busy with school. Happy New Year/Millennium/Century/Decade/Month/Day to everyone. I hope you have happy holidays and I'll see you all around sometime. I have no time to update the site anymore so I'm going to leave the site as is until the summer. Hope you have a great school year!!! Best Regards from Andrew! BYE 4 NOW...

Happy Hallowe'en!October 31st By: Andrew
Hi again! It's been a while since I last updated the site but I've fixed up the site a little bit so it'll be better with Netscape Communicator/Navigator. I've also fixed up the Pokémon CD lyrics section. Check it out. CYA L8ER!!!

RE-OPENED AT LAST!!!October 21st By: Andrew
Hello everyone! This is the newly renovated and improved Andrew's Pokémon Center!!! I hope you like it. Over the months I will be improving the site. Bye for now!!!

E-mail me! Just click on the mailbox.
E-mail Chris by clicking on the mailbox to the right.

©1995, 1996, 1998, and 1999 NINTENDO™, Game Freak, Creatures, Inc. ©1999 4Kids Productions, Pioneer Entertainment, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Nothing may be taken from this site unless has written conscent from the webmaster which may be gotten by e-mailing me at ©1999 Andrew's Pokémon Center. All Rights Reserved.

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