Welcome to my personal page! This website is a work in progress, just like I am. I find myself thinking of this site rather like an old house one is always working on. It reflects my interests, questions I've pursued, and places I've been in cyberspace.
Articles and Essays
The Big Questions: A Seeker's Guide to the World's Religions
My Life in the Baha'i Community
Seeking Truth, Seeking Unity
Blessings and Curses: The Covenant in the Abrahamic Traditions
An Informal History of a Rural Baha'i Community
My Themestream Articles on Issues in the Baha'i Community
Keeping Baha'u'llah: Some Thoughts on the Baha'i Faith as a Spiritual Path
Enemies Within: Conflict and Control in the Baha'i Community - originally published in Cultic Studies Journal
When Principle and Authority Collide: Baha'i Responses to the Exclusion of Women from the Universal House of Justice - originally published in Nova Religio
March 2000-May 2001
June-August 2001
September-December 2001
January-March 2002
Selected posts to talk.religion.bahai and Beliefnet
Miscellaneous Projects
RS 153 Project: Shakers - United Believers in Christ's Second Appearing
Net Games: Fallacies, Gambits,and Maneuvers in Baha'i Cyberspace
Letter to Karen from the US NSA
My Weblog
Karen's Family Tree
My Podcasts
Unenrolled Baha'i weblog
My Twitter Page
My Facebook Page
Link Pages
General Religious Studies
The Baha'i Faith
Islam and Sufism
Judaism, Christianity, and Biblical Studies
Buddhism and Other Religions
Education: Resources for Teachers