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Update 7/6/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Pokemon Pinball Guide Complete
The ENTIRE pokemon pinball section is COMPLETE! It certainly has been a while since an entire section has been completed, but before you know it, more content shall be added! Next, I will complete the gold/silver secction and do the Pokemon TCGGB section, which shouldn't take too long. Afterwards, it is on to the Pokemon TCG section, which hasn't been worked on at all! Anyways, it was voted 2nd to be completed. Mewtwo's Gym shall make its return when I finish the levels.Stay tuned for more updates!
Update 7/5/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Pinball Slots!
Down goes the Slot Machine Bonuses List under Pokemon Pinball. THe Gameboy Games section is quickly being wrapped up because TCG happens to be next! However, there is a lot of work to be done for Izzy's Laptop and Cardcaptor Li, so  updates will have to be evened out.
Update 6/30/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Pulling Out The Pokemon Locations List
Pokemon Locations have now been put up! Where is every pokemon and every location to unlock in Pokemon Pinball? It is all in there!
Update 6/29/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Bye Bye Attack List
The entire pokemon attacks list is complete! Tomorrow will be pokemon pinball updates. Most of the pokemon Pinball section will be finished tomorrow, so more time may be spent on the Gold/Silver, Crystal, and Puzzle Challenge section.
CODE RED by Mewtwo2000, 6/28- J-R say no more!
More and more has been accomplished today! I just finished the attacks list J-R! Only S-Z is left. I'm running out of time today, so I guess that will be done tomorrow.
CODE RED by Mewtwo2000, 6/28- A to I say goodbye!
I ahve just finished every attack from A to I on the attacks list! It was hard work, but I'm not stopping there! I will finish every attack!

More to come for today is a CODE RED!

CODE RED by Mewtwo2000, 6/28- Pokemon Gym Leaders Section
In case you didn't know, today is a rare treat, a Code Red!!! A Code Red literally means that there will be far more updates than usual! I've kicked it off with a traditional Gym Leaders section! Enjoy!

More to come for today is a CODE RED!

Update 6/24/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Eggs, Genders
There are many different types of pokemon eggs and genders, and many special pokemon. I have posted a Pokemon Egg and Gender chart. It is designed to help out those who want to know more about pokemon breeding and about certain tyeps of pokemon eggs.
Update 6/22/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Inside Pokemon Gold/Silver
Inside Pokemon Gold/Silver, there are many in-game events where you can catch certain pokemon, like the Bug-Catching Contest, or in-game trading. I've made a list of all of these events. Tomorrow, I will be updating Cardcaptor Li, so there will be no update.
Update 6/21/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Friendship Evolutions
Which pokemon only evolve through friendship evolutions? Do you need any tips on how to make a pokemon very happy or very mad at you??? I have some answers that could help you out. Go to the Friendship Evolutions section. It is located:

Gameboy Games > Pokemon Gold/Silver > Friendship Evolutions

Update 6/20/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Stones
Stone-Induced Evolution is powerful. It can greatly aid your pokemon when it comes to gaining power quickly, but what ar ethe long-term effects of this? Go to the gameboy games section and look under Pokemon Gold/Silver.
Update 6/19/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: So Much To Do
Well, I've been very busy recently, even though it is summer, and wasn't able to do much today, so I decided that since I would be busy for the next few days, to hold off on the attack list, which would take a while to make. Today, I updated the Gold/Silver Section Menu, and added Trading Evolutions. it is a short list, but it can be useful to some people.
Update 6/18/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Ring ring ring, ring ring! Phone call, phone call!
When you play Gold/Silver, are you frequently interrupted by phone calls??? I've put up a guide which tells you which people are better to have on your list, and a list of other people you can call in the game that will just occasionally challenge you to a battle.
Update 6/17/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Go On A "Tree"sure Hunt
The Tree Locations section is now up and running in the Gold/Silver section. It tells you the locations of trees according to the item you are looking for, whether it be an apricorn or a type of berry. Tomorrow, there will be a Phone Call list which tells you which people are important when you get numbers and what other trainers might want to challenge you to a rematch, which you'd most likely win.
Update 6/16/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: So Many Items To Collect
Items, items, and more items!!! I have done the ENTIRE items list in one day! Now you can see which items you are missing and what they are all worth! Tomorrow and on the 18th, I will update the Locations Guides! Wow, with all this content, you have control over Pokemon Gold/Silver!
Update 6/15/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: Progress, Finally
Progress is finally being made to MewtwoSecretLair! I have not just opened up the Gameboy Games Section, but have also done the Entire TM/HM list for Pokemon Gold/Silver! It also lists the locations, and in some cases, exact direction to get TMs or HMs! Cool? Tomorrow shall be more updates....
Update 6/15/01 by Mewtwo2000
Topic: And It Begins Again...
Updates have begun again here at MewtwoSecretLair starting with the Gameboy Section! This site is growing larger and large every day! Today's first phase, to open the section, has been completed. Later today, the TM/HM List shall be done, mostly. The rest of the list shall be done tomorrow.
Latest News
7/6- Pokemon Pinball Guide COMPLETE
7/6- Pokemon Pinball Bonus Levels and Table Information Guide Online
7/5- Pinball Slot Machine Guide Complete
6/30- Pinball Locations Guide Done
6/29- Attack List Fully Completed!
6/28- Attack List J-R Completed!
6/28- Attack A through I have been completed.
6/28- Code Red Update, Gym Leaders Section Done
6/24- Pokemon Eggs and Gender Charts
6/22- In-Game Events Pokemon List
6/21- Pokemon Friendship Evolutions
6/20- The Stone Induced Evolution Chart has been completed.
6/19- Tade Transformations Section Now Up
6/18- The Phone Call Locations Guide have been completed!
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