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Li Showron
Julian Star
Layla McKenzie
Aiden Avalon
Tori Avalon
Meilin Rae
Sakura Avalon
Madison Taylor
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Clow Cards
Episodes 1-5
Episodes 6-10
Episodes 11-15
Episodes 16-17
Li Showron
Layla McKenzie
Sakura Avalon
Meilin Rae
Julian Star
Tori Avalon
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Update 3/19/01 by Li Showron
Topic: Screenshots For Bios Done
Now, there are actually pictures of the characters for all of the bios that are up, which is all of the bios! With every bio up, and every screenshot in place, Cardcaptor Li is finished, and there will be very few updates to this page, until Carcaptors airs new episodes, or until I figure out  what to do with the site. Also, I made a new button for Cardcaptor Li, It is featured below.

Looks cool, right?
Update 3/18/01 by Li Showron
Topic: A Little More To Enjoy?
I have finished the rest of the screenshots for the tv show, but there is now very little left to do! All I have to do now is the screenshot bios and the site would be done! Of course ithere would be the galleries, but that isn't  really much to do! And with the WB not airing new episodes, what will happen to Cardcaptors? I'll let you know more if I find out any more information.
Update 3/17/01 by Li Showron
Topic: Continuing With The Multimedia
The screenshots for episodes 7-12 are up, and the screenshots for 13-17 will be up tomorrow. There are plenty of things that have to be done around this site, and I will try to accomplish those tasks as quickly as possible, but there is no guarantee that the schedule will work.
Update 3/16/01 by Li Showron
Topic: Screenshots
I have put up the screenshots for the first 6 episodes. For the other episodes, there will only be one screenshot each due to slower loading with many. Enjoy!
Update 2/20/01 by Li Showron
Topic: All Information Done
All the information for Cardcaptor Li is done! All that is left is to place the screenshots and add the galleries then the entire site would be done! Of course as I stated yesterday, that there will be fewer updates here. The rotation will go back to Pokemon, then Digimon, to Pokemon, then to Digimon, and finally back to this site. The next update shouold be some images to be added to the site.
Update 2/19/01 by Li Showron
Topic: Almost There...
I have done the summaries for three more episodes! All that's left, at least of information, is 2 episode summaries. I was thinking  of adding more, but since the site is nearly finished, and I need to catxh up on the others, there will not be many updates on this site for a little while.
Update 2/18/01 by Li Showron
Topic: Bios Complete
Every single character bio has been completed! All of that hard work has paid off, but there are no pictures! I will have an update on the main page about this some other time. In the next few days, I will finish the episode guide, and maybe consider adding new pages to the site!
Update 2/17/01 by Li Showron
Topic: Bios Get Done
I have finished quite a few bios on the site. I hope to finish the entire site ASAP, but because of a rather difficult schedule, the maintenance of many sites as well as schoolwork, etc., I don't have much time. There will be a span of updates for the next 3-5 days so Cardcaptor li will be done before you know it. KidsWB hasn't been showing any new Cardcaptors episodes and that will give me the time I need to catch up.
Update 1/30/01 by Li Showron
Topic: A Tremendous Update
The menus have been switched and the main menu has also been upgraded! Plus, all the content from before the switch has been added. Also, I have done 12 of the episode summaries and even a new gallery, the animated GIFs gallery! That's not all! I have even included bios for Li, Meilin, Sakura, and Kero! And if you think that is not enough, I even included a "When you know you've had too much Cardcaptors" and also a which Clow Card Am I game.