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I know its been forever Junkies...I been extremely busy. Ok Mad Insanity will be performing at PCW Next Saturday. BE THERE! CLICK HERE to buy your tickets.

RYDAS RECORDS has a new website...checm them out...and be sure to check out Dr. Gigglez


Sad news Juggalos and Junkies everywhere. Someone decided to take a life as well as put Any Body killa in the hospital.

Man hit with car after bar fight dies A 25-year-old St. Clair Shores man is dead after being struck by a car following a bar fight, Warren police said. The man, whose name has not been released, was found in the street about 2:20 a.m. Saturday near a British Petroleum station at 9 Mile and Hoover. Police say the dispute began at Hot Rocks, a bar at 24300 Hoover, around closing time. The victim and several friends left in a vehicle and were chased by two men in a green Jeep Cherokee and two men in a gold Chevrolet Beretta. All three vehicles pulled into the BP station, where an altercation began. The Beretta driver then deliberately drove into the victim, said Warren police, who later arrested a 23-year-old Detroiter and found the Beretta at his home. He's expected to be charged Monday. "


Well Junkies I was bored so I thought Id give ya the hook up. Here's one of the artists off rydas records links to some tracks. He's #1 on right now....give it up for DR.GIGGLEZ

Ok nextly I wanna ask for some help n support from yall. My backyard wrestlin leauge has been havin hell gettin shit done. so please Zero Asylum Wrestling sign the guestbook...soon we'll have plenty of pix of people bleedin and all that good shit... peace all junkies.



Sorry I know it's been forever since I updated all ya junkies. I'm back for good now though.

Wicked Stock has been changed to April 13th. So you have a little more time to get your tickets and go see all of the most wicked ma fuckaz ever play.

Mad Insanity has been getting show after show. Here all the shows I have so far.

April 7th
PCW Wrestling tour show
Roseville Ca 7 p.m.
For ticket info go to PCW
as well as

April 13th
Prozak and White Devil Productions present

WIcked Stock 2001
7:00 P.M. at Harpos
I'll have more shows up as soon as I get them.

The Gathering of the Juggalos has been announced for July 13th-15 2001 in the city of Toledo,Oh. I dont know bout you nukkaz, but Im gonna be there so come see your favorite webmaster at the booth if you get a chance.

Rydas Records has done it again. They have a few artists you need to check out.Gash,Dr. Gigglez, and Illnezz are just some of the few you need to check out.So head to RYDAS RECORDS and downlod some Mp3s look at the biography and support the newes up and coming additions to the realm of the Wicked.

If any of you bay Area ninjaz that are gonna be at the Frisco show wanna hang out or some shit look for me. I'll be out there with the Reverend Passin out a bunch of Mad Insanity flyers. So come by and get one.


Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. My computer has been crashed like a ma fucka. ANYWAY.

PCW went off well with Mad Insanity jumping from the crowd with Skitso. SKitso beat the man beyond recognition with a Flaming Kendo Stick(which Mad Insanity handed him) and won his match.

So if you haevnt go get your tickets NOW!

I'll be at the Twiztid show tonight In Frisco at SLims. Hope to see all of you Cali Juggalos there.


I know Im usually not this constant with news.This is urgent though.

HALFBREED has turned their backs on the fans and decided to scrap virus Now I like Halfbreed but that's fuckin wrong. SO as of this moment Halfbreed can go suck a fat cock.

NOW for some cool decent news.

That is the logo for Rydas records, The Official Record Company from have some mad fuckin fresh rappers on there
SO check out RydasRecords and I promise you'll love what you hear.


Well Well WEll HAPPY FUCKIN NEW YEAR! I had a good one.But anyway time for the news
The WICKED STOCK site is up and running. Only 1 month away till WickedStock hits. The groups on it are.........

Hells Kitchen
Project Born



AND thaz all i got for go here for more


Wassup junkies? Been fienin for a hit of underground news havent you? WEll HÅVÓdz is here to hook yall up!

Mad Insanity will be performing at another PCW wrestling show in Yuba City, Ca at the Yuba City fairgrounds.They will be rapping out Skitso. I'll be sitting ringside with a HUGE ASS Mad Insanity sign.SO in canse you want to come and give the side kick of Maniac some props and if you lovely 5150 hoes wanna come in and give the freshest Horror Kore king a lil action. Here's the official news on the shwo from the website.

Mad Insanity will be making an apperance January 20, 2001 from the MXB @ The Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds with Pro Championship Wrestling in Yuba City, CA. If your a Mad Insane and a wrestling fan, come see Mars and J RZ perform live with their homie Skitzo. Tickets can be purchased righthere or at the door. Tanjulio Productions will be on location interviewing Mad Insanes for the upcomming documentary so make sure you come out for this shit.

Thats right Mad Insanes its that time of the year again, and wouldn't you like to spread a little holiday cheer? Would you like to help capture Jesus Christ himself while promoting Mad Insanity? Well god damn right you do! Click above for a flyer you can print out and flyer church parkinglots with. Were willing to bet if one of you Mad Insanes work hard enough you can make some church goers angry and Mad Insanity in your local paper. Your father would be sitting at the breakfast table and clench his fist in outrage at such an act while reading such an article! Ok, I've said too much, lets all pray now...

Fuck the praying, Ol' Ghetto Sideburns has a contest for all of you! Who ever causes the most hype in their hometown with these flyers with proof by getting somthing in the News or Newspaper will get one of two prizes.

Mad INsanity Jumpsuit
Mars' S.I.D.S. tape, and J RZ's Souled Out CD.
You must send either a VHS dub of a Newscast, or a Newspaper with an article to win mentioning your flurry of "Jesus Wanted Posters".
Send all submissions to:
Mad Insanity c/o Jesus Manhunt
Box 334
Oakley, CA 94561
You are all welcome to try this. But I think I got that contest on lockdown and you aint got a chance. go here for the flyer and info again


12/08/00 HÅVÓdz

So LIENDA wasnt a complete success because of what follows

First of all, everyone at Psychopathic expresses mad thanks and props to all the Juggalos who freaked it on Lienda Day! Even though ALL the votes for "Lets Go All The Way" were disqualified, had it been a fair contest there is no doubt that Insane Clown Posse would have taken top TRL spots.
Unfortunatly, MTV's hatred towards ICP went beyond mearly throwing out TRL votes (which we suspected might happen), but also using violence agianst Juggalos.
Myself (Jelly Nuts), Jumpsteady, Noodle Nugget, Ray-Ray, and Jodie, all arrived in New York Friday morning so we could help the Juggalos represent. We all showed up in costume, with Jumpsteady donning the identity of Evil Dead, and he instantly began stumbling around New York scaring people and turning the heads of even the most hardened New Yorkers. We met up with about 100 Juggalos who had already assembled right in front of TRL live. Juggalos were in costume, Juggalos were in face paint... some Juggalos were even almost naked (MAD PROPS goes to my half naked Juggalos Ape Boy and Bubble Nuts!). Everyone one was hanging out, and it was the shit!
The Psychopathic crew went back to our vans, and soon came back with plenty of Faygo for all the Juggalos... Everyone was having mad fun, and it was very clear that Juggalos would dominate the evening at TRL, regardless if they played an ICP video or not.
But that is when we were shocked at the underhanded nature of MTV. Shortly before TRL began, a group of about 30-40 New York Police Department officers headed in, and began trying to move people out. When asked, the police officers said "MTV doesn't want you guys here". After many protests from Juggalos, and when it became clear they were gonna make MTV look bad, they changed the story. They then said that "It is agianst the law to wear clown makeup in New York City!". Using threats of violence, and after assulting several Juggalos (those Juggalos were not arrested, because they broke no laws... they were simply attacked by police officers with no warning, and then told to beat it). The crowd was pushed to the other side the street, and no Juggalos were allowed anywhere near the public sidewalk near the MTV building.
This has made it very clear... MTV fears ICP and Juggalos, and is willing to use deceit, violence, and manipulation of the law in order to try to protect themselves. This comes from a deep seeded fear of anything they cannot control, they cannot buy, and they cannot sell...
Regardless Juggalos, when all is said and done, we all tried to bring the Dark Carnival's message to the world. We may have not succeeded in taking over MTV, but we have all done what we all knew we had to do as Juggalos, and it has made the Dark Carnival stronger, and given us further purpose. One agian, we thank all Juggalos, we wish you all mad clown luv, and want you to know THE WICKED CLOWNS WILL NEVER DIE!!!
I also wanna drop some WELL DESERVED PROPS TO SOME PEOPLE........ I was out at a coffe house listening to one of the most disgusting displays of music tonite. A local crew that had a hot bitch as a singer was playin at a coffe house tonite. All they did was covers. So if any members of PLUSH wanna admit that they need their own material...Id respect em just a little more.Anyway another band from Merced came up next. THESE MUTHA FACKOS ROCKED! SUNDAY'S Dilemma was an amazing kick ass hardworkin crew. Their site is HERE! Download some mp3s and give em some props. I know they aren't horrorcore but they throw a damn good show and are cool as fuck to hang with

12/08/00 HÅVÓdz

Today is our war day my brothers and sisters. LIENDA!. ICP needs to take number 1 on Gay Request live. For all of you who aren't into ICP think of it this way. They've opened the door right here. If ICP can top video shows who's to say one day we wont see BEDLAM out there? or MAD INSANITY? It can all happen and it must start today! Call 1-800-dail-MTV and bring the underground out of the shadows and into the faces of every punk richie mutha facko that ever double crossed us.

12/04/00 HÅVÓdz

HOLA MUTHA FUCKAZ! IM back with some Bedlam news.

Prozak's Wicked Stock
Hey Bedlamitez long time no newz, well i got some now so listen up. The maniac in disguise ( Prozak ) has put toghether his very own concert which he has called "Wicked Stock" This concert will include Bedlam along with 10 other very wicked fresh bands thats im sure all of you are down with. The exact line up for the groups i cannot reveal at this time. The show should be in February 2001. Here is all the info you will need for now relating to the show. I will have more info as it komes..peece killaz.

FEB.02 ST.ANDREWS HALL, 6 PM 10 wicked as fuck groups come together to form the first annual "PROZAK WICKED STOCK".
Tickets will be on sale on Saturday,December tha 9th.I will put more info up in a couple of days as it becomes available.

12/01/00 HÅVÓdz

How's everyone been? HÅVÓdz here with a bunch of news to be the atom bomb. First some good ole Psycopathic records news

Thursday November 30th, Violent J and Shaggy 2-Dope did an interview in New York City with MTV about their new albums and tour. In this interview they also touched upon the ICP/Eminem feud and showed ICP a clip of how Eminem disses them during his live performances. Violent J then commented on how Eminem is always talking shit about taking it to the streets and how he would kick ICP’s ass if he ever met up with them. Violent J then called him out by officially challenging Eminem to a boxing match to be aired live on MTV. As J put it:

“… not between me and him, but with Shaggy! ‘Cause let’s be realistic, I am twice his size and would easily rip his head off.” The people conducting the interview seemed very amused about the idea and were laughing with glee… and so are we here at Psychopathic. Unfortunately, we are not sure yet whether MTV will air the full interview because they could (in the best interest of their favorite boy band) delete the part where ICP challenges Eminem. Because let’s face it: Shaggy 2-Dope would pulverize that little skinny bitch in like half a round. If they do air the interview in full it will be the greatest day ever because it will expose to the world what a fake and scared punk ass Eminem really is. ‘Cause we all know (especially him) that he doesn’t have enough heart to actually step in the ring with Shaggy. And if for some strange reason he did, would only end up lying face down on the mat, all red-faced from Shaggy’s punches and from the tears flowing from his swollen eyes. Then all the millions of little Eminemiacs would bow their heads in shame and quickly take off their “My Name Is Slim Shady” shirts before anyone saw they were representing such a shit-talkin’, soft and weak feebalo.

Now let’s review these two fighters in a couple categories to see the differences:

1) Fighting Reputation

Shaggy—Tag teamed with Violent J during the whole JCW tour and fought some of the most ruthless matches with real barbed wire and thumbtacks. There was even a match where Shaggy fell from the top of the steel cage and broke his nose and received a concussion but still continued the match with blood all over his face and even went to the top ropes to lay a leg drop on his opponent. He takes care of his own in street fights that happen from time and again. He is a psychopathic killer, and would resort to any tactic in a fight to win.

Eminem—Tag teams to this day with Doctor Dre in some of the most intense sexual butt pirate games ever. One time this caused his ass to bleed and he was rush to the hospital where surprised doctors found a gerbil stuck up his anus. To this day gays everywhere have named him “The Creamy Cave Dweller” and marvel at his sexual inventiveness and girlish nature. He walks around with bodyguards because he has never actually had a fight growing up in the suburban streets of Sterling Heights and couldn’t handle real confrontation whether physical or emotional.

2) Physique

Shaggy—Has a fighter’s build earned through countless matches in the ring and out, growing up surviving many street fights that continue to this day. He is totally in shape because of a continuous routine of lifting weights, 2-liters, and splifs. He is tattooed and scarred and doesn’t give two fucks about breaking somebody’s neck.

Eminem—Has the physique of a sick and malnourished child of about 12 years old. Shirtless, his chest looks like that of a wet sock with a flat cheese grater stuffed inside. His face is that of a spoiled child who is constantly trying to look hard in photos by crunching up his face, but only succeeds in making him look like he is trying to shit. He is tattooed and “scared” and knows in his heart that he is a weak bitch who talks a lot of shit to hide this fact from his fans, and then spends his days hiding behind his bodyguards.

We well bring you updates on this as they happen.

I dont know about you but that makes me fuckin hyped

NOw for all the Mad Insanes....Get ready that Documentary is in its final stages and is featuring guest appearances by.....ME. BUt fuck that Mad Insanity will let all sorts of shit fly on this and pound yer skull in the process when this hits stores.

Also Mad Insanity's album is in its works almost done. So get ready.It will feauture slaughterhouse which has a guest appearance by halfbreed in it. SO be ready or that freshesness might slap your in the nose as it passes you by.

Peace ALl you Horrorcore Junkies


11/26/00 HÅVÓdz

It's been a few days but yer buddy Havoc has finally got some news for all of you first for all my Juggalos out there.

That's right Juggalos. Tomorrow, Monday, November 27th at 5 o'clock for the very first surprize concert in Cleveland, OH at the Agora Theatre. This is a 2 dollar show like all of the surprize shows that will pop up two days in advanced! So get your tickets now to see a FULL Insane Clown Posse show for only 2 dollars! These will DEFINATELY sell out soon! So get em NOW!

This is the cover of the tape on sale NOW! at If you want your copy of this psychotic tape just go to and follow the damn directions

Peace All

11/23/00 HÅVÓdz


Here's a letter from Alex Abbis for all the JUggalos to read.

Attention all Juggalos:

This is a special, urgent bulletin from ICP’s manager Alex Abbiss. Juggalos, it is the most dire of times here at Psychopathic Records. The Insane Clown Posse albums Bizzar and Bizaar have already dropped down to #148 and #157 on the Billboard Charts after only 3 weeks. From day 1, it has been our mission at Psychopathic to spread the message of the Dark Carnival. I hope every Juggalo realizes the nonstop, torturous path that Insane Clown Posse, Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J, has endured for their fans throughout the last decade.

There has been a controversy of late concerning ICP and MTV. We recently heard the higher-ups at MTV agreed to acknowledge the fact that ICP is a genuine force in the music business with hundreds of thousands of fans (Juggalos) that love them. They finally decided for the first time in ten years to play one of our videos, “Lets Go All The Way.” Immediately upon hearing the news, we gathered together all of the Psychopathic Dons and had a meeting. At that meeting we decided to put it to the Juggalos and let them decide.

We view the Juggalos that took the time and effort and rose up and created their own websites (such as,, etc.) to be almost, for lack of a better word, your Juggalo representatives. We all got together on Saturday, Nov. 11 in Detroit, discussed the entire issue, talked it through and agreed that if the Juggalos help blow ICP up that we will give all the money we make off the records to charity. This is to prove the point that blowing up the albums is to spread the word of Dark Carnival, not to make our pockets fatter. Since that date, we have stated a couple of incorrect dates to start the campaign of bombarding MTV with ICP requests. I myself would like to apologize for this mix up. Believe me, we here at Psychopathic are just as frustrated with having the wrong information as you are. There have been a couple of technicalities that have fucked everything up.

But this Tuesday Nov. 28 is truly our day. That’s the day that we’re going to show the world the power of the Dark Carnival. That’s the day we need all the Juggalos to call and email MTV to make ICP number fucking one. I received an email the other day from a Juggalo. He wanted to know if we blow up Insane Clown Posse on MTV won’t the same thing that happened with Limp Bizkit happen to ICP. They were cool and underground, but now they have a bunch of stale fans. My answer is: No. Limp Bizkit is far from ICP. Limp Bizkit talks of bullshit issues and girls. Insane Clown Posse speaks of other dimensions and the afterlife, Shangri-La. Exposing these people to ICP will be the greatest thing that ever happened to them in their whole lives. Until this point they’ve been lost in a world of musical garbage. Another thing he asked about in his email was what about looking out for the O.J.’s, the Original Juggalos. Well, we’ve done that too. Those that have come across ICP on their own still have time to join the O.J. Fan Club. Just fill the info out on website and you will never be forgotten. You will be able to receive discounts on shows, exclusive access to specialty events, the ability to purchase advance copies of certain new releases, and so on. All benefits, no bones.
Also the new Overture Cd Caught in the act volume 1 is on preorder now so you can get that at
Peace all fackoz.


Hey all I know their really late but here are the Twiztid Freekshow tour dates.

December 1, 2000 Toledo, OH Main Event

December 2, 2000 Cleveland, OH Agora Theatre

December 3, 2000 Buffalo, NY Runwayz

December 5, 2000 Virginia Beach, VA The Abyss

December 6, 2000 Washington, DC 9:30 Club

December 8, 2000 Philadelphia, PA Trocadero

December 9, 2000 Salem, NC Ziggy's

December 12, 2000 Spartanburg, SC Ground Zero

December 13, 2000 Charlotte, NC Tremont Music Hall

December 15, 2000 Atlanta, GA The Masquerade

December 16, 2000 Birmingham, AL 5 Points South Music Hall

Decenber 17, 2000 Columbus, OH Newport Music Hall
And I know I prolly shouldnt do this But These guys are my boys. Check out the 20 Dead Flower Children's album. I know they arent exactly horrorcore but Their good people so checks em out at

Peace all

11/20/00 HÅVÓdz

Sup fackoz? Props to Mars from Mad Insanity for gettin me this spot to post news for all the horrorcore junkies.

I got some news about a BEDLAM show.

2009 East Holland Rd.
December 1,2000
All ages,doors open at 6:30PM
Phone # 517-921-4937

11/17/00 HÅVÓdz

Wassup all here on the maniac scene? Im da new mudda facko around here Havoc. Maniac has been generous enought to let me on here to spout some news. And now for that news.

All you Mad Insanes get yer psycho selves ready to take over the world when Mad Insanity some how gets onto video and breaks down all the fuckin barriers you didnt even know were there.
I'mma tell ya J RZ and Mars is ready to rule the world and Bay Area is already locked down. The documentary will have psycho tracks, Mad Insane womenz and of course appearnces from your favorite serial killers Mars and J RZ. Go get this as soon as you can till then Peace all Mad ma fackaz! Here's some news straight from Ghetto Sideburns at MadInsanity.Com

Whut up y'all? Mad Insanity is ordering a whole line of new merchindise next week from the Mad Insanes over there at Block Alternatives. But check this shit, Were making a special t-shirt for you Mad Insanes. Heres what we need you to do. E-mail us your name (real first and last NO SCREEN NAMES OR NICK NAMES!), city, and state and we will list your names on the back of this t-shirt. We need your submissions ASAP so send that shit in to in this format:



And thats it. We will try to fit as many killa's names on the back of that bitch so make sure you send your shit in before space runs out. Note: Please do not change the subject line of the E-mail, the submissions are automaticly logged and if the suject is changed the name will not go on the shirt.

10-19-00 Maniac

Im sorry I havent been able to update the site but theres been a few problesm I've been trying to fix. I'm gonna try and fill everyone in with the latest.

1. Mad Insanity is going to be rapping the wrestler Skitzo out to the ring on Saturday October 21 in Chico , CA. If you live in California you should go check it out. It should be really fresh. heres the info below I got strait from :

What: Pro Championship Wrestling
(Mad Insanity appearing live)
When: October 21st 7:00 PM
Where: Chico , Ca at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds
(Main Exhibit Hall)
Ticket Price: Ringside - $10 , General Admission - $8

2. Halfbreed has re-released their "Serial Killaz" Maxi. Also Their Halloween EP "Rage Of The Plauge" will be released on Halloween. Only 2000 units will be pressed so hurry and pick that up while you can. Speaking of Halloween, Hot Hits will be having a devils night midnight sale for you to pick up all the new releases that drop on Halloween. Sol and Skrapz will be there signing autographs and hanging out with the fans. One more thing, Heres the track listing to "Rage Of The Plauge" and it seems the female rapper Hsyteria makes an apperance on the album.

The Sewers
Candy Apples and Razorblades
The gallery (w/F.R.eeze and Y.U.G.)
Comin Back (w/F.R.eeze)
Angels Night Anthem (w/Hysteria)
The Summons (w/Y.U.G.)
Dark Dayz (outro)

3. L.U. Cipha's "Witches Cauldron" should of came out yesterday so pick that up. Heres the tracklisting:

That Time Of Year
Witchez Cauldron