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Hi my name is Rick. Alot of people know me by "ric-mar", "Prz2God", or "PrzNGod" when talking to my friends at Christian Chat rooms.

Let me first say that I am a Christian and I give all praise and glory to God my Father which is in Heaven, and without Jesus Christ in my life I would be nothing.

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Just because I have asked Jesus into my heart and my life does not make me a better person than the next, and it doesn't make me clean from being a sinner. I sin, I admit that, because I am not perfect. I hate to say that, but it's true. And if I didn't admit that, then I would be lying to you, me and God.

However, before I even asked Jesus into my heart and to forgive me of my past sins, I was on the road to Hell. I want you to know that Hell is a very real place where a persons soul will end up if they deny Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior of their life.

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Being a Christian doesn't make a person perfect, it does however make a person forgiven by God, saved, and born again spiritually. All of us will sin again, because of our old sin nature. It might just be a little white lie or some other form of sin in God's eye's. Whatever sin it may be, it is sin, because "sin is sin."

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Romans 6:14 says that "sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace".

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Now, as a Christian, believing that Jesus is my Savior, I now have a renewed heart. One that is not a servant of sin but a submissive heart to be a servant of God. I have to daily ask for His forgivness for my failures, and His guidance for my day. To seek Him always in whatever I do. It is by faith in Him that I can understand His will for me and what I am supposed to do for Him.

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To share His word (the Bible) and to be the best witness for Him that I can possiblly be are my two main focuses of my walk with Him. Daily He leads and guides me in to His perfect plan for my life.

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John 24:47 says - "that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations."

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I am a "Child of God" ... I am "Born Again" spiritually in Him ... I "Believe" in Christ Jesus and I "Know" that Jesus died for me.

It is "In Him" that I have Life. For without Jesus as my "Savior" I am "Nothing" and would be bound for Hell.

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I now have life eternal (through Jesus) my Lord and know that "Heaven" will one day be my "everlasting home". This is God's promise to me, and to "All" who believe and have "Faith".

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So as I go each day thanking Him, I know that He is "Real and Alive". Thus my personnel relationship is between "Him and I" ... and I "Wish" and "Desire" to help others know Him too. Because He (Jesus) was not sent to condem the world, ... But "Through Him" that the world might be saved.

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"Today" and now I want to serve Him. But this is not the begining of "My" story, It is only a glimse of time present ..... and how I wish to live "forevermore".

Taking a look back .... There once was a time I did not care for anything. I believed in Me (if I believed in anything at all), But yet there was something missing.

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As a young boy, I did not go to church. My folks were very hard workers at their job. Yet they were also night people and loved that night life. Drinkers and lovers of the world.

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One day ... in the month of Sept 1973 I was driving down a country road in a 1970 Datsun station wagon. The car was going about 75mph when it happened. The rear end locked up, and pow there went the right rear tire.

Before I knew it, the vehicle was out of control The car went left ... and I over corrected. The car went right ... and yet again I over drove the correction. Thus the car again went left ... By this time the car was completely on it's own.

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Missing a telephone pole by a matter of inches ... The car jumped an irrigation canal and yippy, me and car were airborn. The car decided to come down and hit head first on the driver side headlight. Ohh but the car did not wish to stop there before it came to rest.

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After the first initial impact, The car decided to flip end over end .... 5 times in a cotton field. The result was a totaled car. All windows completely broken, Top smashed down to the shoulder height of the seats ... And the engine lay in the passenage seat.

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Now here is the weird part .... As the car was doing it's flipping thing, I saw and watched from the air.

It seems that from the very first impact of car meets ground ... my spirit was taken out of my body, and I viewed the total distruction of my moms car in action as it happened.

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Next thing I knew, I was crawling out of the car in a freshly muddy and irrigated cotton field.

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As the years have pasted, and I have become more aware of my spiritual self, I beleive that this accident was God's way of getting my attention.

It was two weeks after I had all of this fun in the cotton field that this person I did not know from Adam confronted me ... And he said, "Do you know that Jesus loves you?" From there he shared about Jesus, and the Love Jesus has for me.

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God was calling my name .... Not to death ... but to His light. It was I who had to except, receive, and believe And then a wild thing happened ... I asked this invisable to my eyes Jesus into my heart To be my savior .... wow.!

Yet my story does not end there...... It took many years before I really knew for sure that what I had was actually real. And all during those years I played games with Him.

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See, I was not willing just yet to give up my life. I was not willing to say "Here I am" Mold me .... Make me. I wanted to party ... To live the night life ... And do as I wished (as long as things went good).

And guess what .... God allowed me to just that. As He sat and watched with tears ... that this child of His was going against His will and living a sinful life.

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Time went on ... God got my attention again and He sent me to another place to live. He decided enough was enough and that satan would have No hold on me anymore. God moved me out of the life of sin and shame.

God wanted me to be His witness, to be his heir, to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was saved, that I was born again ... spiritually and that I was His. For me to be His witness and to share like His apostles were told to do. To tell the world of Jesus and His salvation for them.

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I was blinded in my earlier years and self wanted it's way. But now I know for certain that Christ Jesus has always been there .... waiting, waiting so ever .... so ever patiently.

Now I have a personnel relationship with Him. It is like nothing to compare with on earth ... Because is it spiritual.

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Tho I know I do fail ... I do not wish to live my old way of life again. I know and believe with faith that He takes care of me. I have been blessed.

With open arms Jesus waited for me to return. With open arms Jesus awaits you too.

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