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1. What are zip files?
2. How do I move the programs to my calculator?
3. What are those strange marks in the code?
4. Can my calculator be used to run the games from this site?
5. For how long has this site existed?
6. I've made a game for Casio. How can I get it to this site?


1. What are zip files?

All the programs on this site are packed within zip-files. To unzip the files you need winzip (Windows95) or pkunzip (Dos). After unzipping you'll see something like this:

This is the contents of zip-file is the game-file in cat-format. This is the file which you can directly upload to your calculator by using FA-122.
Jkrs_wld.txt is the game-file in txt-format. This can also be in ctf-format. These files can be opened to a normal text editor, if you want to type the game in the calculator.
Jkrs_wld_readme.html is the games readme file in html-format. This means that you can open it to your favourite web browser and read it. Sometimes zip includes picture files (*.gif, *.jpg). These are pictures for the readme file.


2. How do I move the programs to my calculator?

You can type them or copy them directly.
If you want to copy the programs to your calculator you have to have the FA-122 cable and the FA-122 program. The program is free and you can download it here. The cable costs quite a much, but you can also do it your self.
But, the FA-122 program is useful even without the cable, because you can open cat-files in it, and print them out from it. So, if you type the programs to your calculator, this helps a lot, becourse FA-122 shows the code exactly like it looks in the calculators screen.


3. What are those strange marks in the code?

Those are called tokens. Here is complete list of the them:

Token What it means How to type?
-> the arrow button above [AC]
=> the jump arrow [SHIFT] [PROGRAM] [F3] [F3]
\th polar variable r right of the [ALPHA]
\r the polar variable theta right of the [\r]
/ devide below [AC]
* multiply below [DEL]
\* asterisk [F6] [F4]
\i imaginary number [OPTN] [F3] [F1]
\ normal flash sign (/ in calculator) [F6] [F5]
; fraction button left of [F-D]
_ display [SHIFT] [PRGM] [F5]
<= smaller than equal to [SHIFT] [PRGM] [F6] [F3] [F6]
>= larger than equal to [SHIFT] [PRGM] [F6] [F3] [F5]
<> not equal to [SHIFT] [PRGM] [F6] [F3] [F2]
(-) negative (NOT minus!) left of [EXE]


4. Can my calculator be used to run the games from this site?

This page supports calculators that are CFX-9850g/CFX-9950g compatible. The games can also be runned with FX-9750g, but if the game includes color commands, you'll have to remove them.
If you want to see the list of all calculator models and see whether or not your calculator is supported here, go to calcs section.


5. For how long has this site existed?

This site was opened 26th September, 1998. If didn't take much time to do these pages (the news pages say that I started to make these pages September 7th, but I didn't code all the time... only about few days).
After that I have updated the pages few times a week, and I've doubled the number of different sections after the opening...


5. I've made a game for Casio. How can I get it to this site?

First you have get it to your PC. You can use FA-122 or you can simply write it to a text editor. With FA-122 you get also a .CAT version.
Then send the game to me as an attachment with email. If you game exist in many different formats (.TXT, .CAT, etc.) you can zip them, because it's easier to send one file than many.
If your game is OK (I mean that it's working and it's playable) I'll put it to my site.
You can also send me Casio programs, Casio-PC communication utitilies and other Casio stuff...


OS 98