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   I was born in the year when Munich was the Olympic's host, in the month when Pearl Harbour was attacked and on the date which is considered unlucky to some people in most of the nations (there are even a few horror movies for the unlucky date).
But I feel that I'm one of the luckiest person in the world..VERY LUCKY INDEED!!!!
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Well, about myself. Mmmm..some guys called me Mr. Probability -coz I do like to think about any chances/consequences if I do anything; some pals called me Mr. Weird/Mr. Eccentric ("Pelik") -coz they never could guess what I think or what I would do next; some dudes called me Mr. Info -coz they say I know too much; some friends called me Mr. Nice Guy - coz I'm too nice to everybody; but what I do like most is Mr. I Don't Care -coz sometimes I just don't care about anything…….
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