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It's Not Just A Stupid Plane

My Messerschmitt Aircraft Pages:

Birds of War: The Messerschmitt's Effect on World War II
Willy Messerschmitt: A Short Biography
The Messerschmitt Bf109
The Messerschmitt Komet
The Messerschmitt Me262
500 Word Essay
The Bibliography Page

    The importance of the Messerschmitt planes was very significant for Germany as well as the world. Every air fleet benefited from Messerschmitts designs and aircraft. Willy had constructed a new breed that could topple the toughest objects. The Bf109 set the standard for many aircraft, combat and commercial as well. Nations of the world soon developed their own "Messerschmitts" to compete with the German aircraft. Any airplane manufactured before the Messerschmitt craft's existence quickly became obsolete. With the introduction of aircraft powered by rockets and jet engines, the world moved into the "Jet Age."

    It was during this time that the world experimented with rocket and jet aircraft. The rocket aircraft (Me163) specifically helped the space programs of the world. By resembling future space shuttles, this rocket-powered craft would glide back to Earth. Because jet engines caused a lot of commotion in the aircraft industry, engineers soon developed faster jets and constructed huge passenger jet aircraft. In addition, top-notch fighter jets were manufactured which now travel over a thousand miles per hour. As you can see, the world has changed very rapidly in the aeronautical field since the 1930's and 40's when the Messerschmitts were initially constructed. The evolution of the airplane is quite obvious if you take a look at the aircraft featured in the timeline below.

    For those of you that visited my site, I would like you to know that this site was constructed for my 1999 History Day Project. I would like to give a special thanks to ShAdoow001 for taking the time to help create this website and makeing sure that there are no bugs in this site. I would also like to thank MCBole who helped provide information and pictures for this site. Thank you for visiting my site and if you find any errors or you need to contact me, please don't hesitate to email me.


