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Well Lets start at the beginning...
My Aunt encouraged me to do this homepage. I knew nothing about them, actually come to think of it, I hardly knew how to read the damn things. But thanks to her and her friend, I now know how everything works and could probably graduate computer technology in 30 seconds. Ha, kidding but they were a great help to me.

A Little about the family...

I am mother of one, with a family of three. My daughter Lezlie, and her father Chad, and I Amanda,live in a small but cozy apartment in a town in Ontario. We have two cats and no mice. We like to go to the mall to hang out. They sell really good barbequed hot dogs and sausages there, I think that is the real reason Chad likes to go. But overall we have fun.

Please Check out the rest of the pages to find out more about each of us even the cats.

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More Get To Know Us

Amanda's Page
Chad's page
Lezlie's Page
Cats page
Dont drink & drive
Pictures of the family
A tribute to our Friend