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 The Items
As in all the other Zelda's,there will be a large variety of items to be picked up during your journey.These items can be used when you press the C-button which has it's logo on it.Shegeru Miyamoto said that there will not be as many items as there were in other Zelda's,but you never know.There are items exclusive to either the younger or older Link.

Younger Link: Dagger (main weapon),Slingshot,Wooden Stick,and Pachinko Balls.

Older Link: Short Sword (main weapon),Bow & arrow,Long Sword.

Bombs: The great thing about these is you can purchase them in a store or get them in large quantities from a plant.When you activate a bomb,Link will raise it above his head,you could either throw it the direction Link is facing or drop it on the ground.

Magical Nuts: You throw these things in the air,where they explode like a firecracker.I think these may be used to fend off flying enemies.

Magic Hammer: This large item makes an ideal weapon but it's main purpose is to drive stakes into the ground,like Mario's butt-stomp.This time it'll be used more often

The Eyeglass of Truth: This will allow you to view enemies you couldn't see without.

The Ocarina of Time: Certainly the most important item in the game.This will allow you to travel through time and morph into the older link.

The Six Types of Magic

There will be,like in FF7,six different magic spells in the game.Put one of these with the Bow & Arrow and you got yourself a missle launcher.The Six Magic Spells are: Earth,Wind,Fire,Water,Light and Darkness.The effect of the spells on the enemy depends on what type of Magic you use.For example,if the enemy is a blazing fire ball,the water spell might work on him.It's possible that you could mix the spells for different amounts of power and effects.

Other items include: Heavy Boots,Hookshot,Writing Stone,and Medicine Keys.